Poltical texts

I'm not sure they are robo texts. One in particular responded with "Thanks for your time". Maybe that's a robo response?
Could be geographically different.

I’ve sent some nasty responses as well and nothing. Send STOP and I always get the exact same you have been removed response.

Which doesn’t really matter because it will ding 5 min later from different number.
East side of Montana does not appear to be avid text campaigners or should that be avid campaign texters??
I have not received any. If I could put that in small font so as not to awaken the evil, I would.
Fify if nobody has yet lol
I was kind of annoyed seeing them pushing for voting during NFL games this week. They weren’t pushing a party or candidate just some kinda “ NFL Votes “ campaign. I could have just as well watched football without that.
I bluntly text back and tell them all to F off.
Its empowering. Plus, so far, it has solved the problem
Interesting set of responses. I feel for you all. I've dealt with the worst of this in the past (mail, email, voice and text) and maybe I can offer some ideas that will help some of you.

Text and Voice (mobile): iPhone users might sign up for the app: Nomorobo. Yes, there is a charge (either monthly or annually). I've used it for years now (annual) and it is good. The app will block most spam messages automatically and you can report those that it misses. Since political messages are exempt from the call block lists, you will get these calls if they find you. You have to do something. I never respond with STOP, since, to me, that would seem to confirm that I received their message. I do report them to Nomorobo and then block them on my mobile service.

Junk Mail: One of the primary sources for the junk mailers is the credit reporting agencies. Your junk mail will drop dramatically once you tell the big three agencies to stop distribution of you information. They all have their own process, but it has been effective for me. Also, if it is particularly bad, I've forwarded my mail to a rented USPS box for a few months and then reinitiated home delivery via direct contact with my creditors, etc. I.E., do NOT forward all of your mail from the PO Box and the junk mailers won't be notified. Also, every post office I've rented a box from will manage the bulk of the junk mail for you - they won't put it in the box.

Lastly, if you have a Post Office that is the source of the problem, you can contact your Senator's office (local) and get some help. Keep notes as to the events, dates, names, etc. and be prepared to provide detailed reporting. Don't ask me how I know, but I promise it worked for me.
One thing they have started doing that is kind of cool, is sending you an email when someone uses your blood donation. General description of who and where the recipient is located. There is a real short supply right now, and every donation matters to some person out there that really needs it.
I was kind of annoyed seeing them pushing for voting during NFL games this week. They weren’t pushing a party or candidate just some kinda “ NFL Votes “ campaign. I could have just as well watched football without that.
That pisses me off too. Can’t we have a few things to enjoy without politics being shoved down our throats.

When I see things like that, even if it’s a game I’m interested in I turn it off and go do something else. They are ruining everything.
That pisses me off too. Can’t we have a few things to enjoy without politics being shoved down our throats.

When I see things like that, even if it’s a game I’m interested in I turn it off and go do something else. They are ruining everything.
That’s exactly how I feel about it. I have voted and will continue to but I don’t want to think about it on Sunday afternoon.