Poision Oak !


New member
Dec 23, 2000
Well I've already got a rash starting to form on my lower arms....anybody else ?
I went out & got some of that Tec-nu stuff and will be washing with it for a while.

Man, that stuff was everywhere....next time, I'll stick to longsleeves no matter how hot it is.
Well since I was just running around in a loin cloth... I am aware of a burning itching feeling down there. I thought it was just the normal flare up....

No didn't get any of it.
That's funny, T-Bone. :D :D At least the loin cloth was in camo... too bad none of us would volunteer to apply the body paint on ya. :eek: That was when you said you were really sorry Moosie hadn't made it... :rolleyes:
None here luckily. I get it bad sometimes so I was being very careful to stay away from it. If it gets too bad ya might want to see a Doc. They have some steroid gel that really works good. Good Luck and dont scratch it.