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Only 10 days...? Ammon Bundy heading to jail.

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What’chu talkin’ ‘bout, Willis? Opens on the 15th. I just had to run and panic check the regs to make sure I didn’t need to cancel other weekend plans.
I was looking at the wrong column on my Excel Calendar. Now I don't feel as bad about working this weekend.
Maybe, it's being litigated. Maybe I was off who shot him but not who initiated this unnecessary killing. I'll stand with any American citizen standing up for their freedom. This family had decades long grazing rights that were being unfairly targeted. It's been 5 or 6 years so I don't recall the specifics but it's really not any different then what we see in Colorado with the unprecedented closing of our access to our public lands.
Maybe, it's being litigated. Maybe I was off who shot him but not who initiated this unnecessary killing. I'll stand with any American citizen standing up for their freedom. This family had decades long grazing rights that were being unfairly targeted. It's been 5 or 6 years so I don't recall the specifics but it's really not any different then what we see in Colorado with the unprecedented closing of our access to our public lands.
Actually, the Malheur Refuge takeover was for the Hammonds family in protest of their mandatory prison sentences, and having to go back to federal prison. It had nothing to do with grazing leases.

The FBI agent charged for obstruction was acquitted, and the civil suit by Finicum’s wife dismissed.
Can you elaborate on specifics of where there is 'unprecedented closing' of access to public lands here in CO?

And if so - is the 'not any different' part vis a vis the Bundy's related to someone here in CO not paying their grazing fees for a couple of decades and engaging in armed standoffs with officials over collection of 7 figures of past-due fees?

You'd think both of those would have been pretty highly visible stories.
There is a lot in the area I live. Either land behind turned into wsa or just posts and gates installed cutting off road access that have been around for decades.
Truth is many govt bureaucrats lack recognition they are public servants who are responsible to act as stewards and servants of the citizens and stakeholders in whatever their role is. The move of BLM headquarters to GJT clearly demonstrates many Lords don't want to leave the DC Castle to mingle with the serfs who happen to live near and use lands they are responsible for.
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Well Oregon state troopers shot him, not the BLM. They’re well trained enough to shoot armed people who reach for their weapons, which Finicum did.
Yep. Can watch the aerial video. Never saw a nice peaceful stop at side of the road then hands out the window. I think when you play deadly games you may just end up seeing deadly force and he did. Look, everyone can go into detail about what should be the law and what should be allowed if LEO approaches you. I live in the real world, okay? LEO lights me when I am driving then I pull over, take the keys out of the ignition and place beyond the steering wheel on the dash. I remain seatbelted. I retrieve the kit I carry that has registration, insurance etc. I place both hands on the wheel after roll the window down on driver's and passenger side. I announce if are weapons in the vehicle. I use Sir or Madam out of respect for the tough job an honest cop has to do and presume they are an honest one.

I am not looking to prove anything during a stop by LEO. I will decline to let them search my vehicle so they can bring in the dog and have it false alert or get a judge on the line. Otherwise, I cooperate. If they actually violate my rights then I have plenty of time to seek a lawyer. If they want to execute me on the side of the road then will be the first execution of anyone I grew up with and work with and hang out with so your mileage may vary. Most traffic stops for me in the past 40 years have been under 10 minutes and no tickets though was 95+ mph in a 65mph highway a few years back. I pulled over and did as I mention above. Got a warning. I had shot a 6x6 bull elk in Jackson and had the meat and antlers in my SUV and turns out he was from a family of hunters. He said he ought to write me up but my record was clean, he did not have to chase me and I was sincere. That ticket in Oregon would have been for 30 mph over for $440 which triggers automatic reckless driving which is $5,000 and up to a year of jail. My insurance would have gone up a bit, too. Anyway, good luck fighting against guys that buy ammunition by the train car. I enjoy my still low car insurance.
Because I am too busy helping Hunter B funnel money to their bio labs so we can help the APR introduce new pathogens into cattle via bison relocation so that ranchers go out of business and the Blm gets control over all the undeveloped land west of the Mississippi.

Agenda 23. You heard it here first.
Easy there cowboy obviously these two are very gullible and believe everything they are fed to be the truth. Somebody needs their meds I do believe. Wow is all I can say to all this.

Yep, the feds have your best interest on their minds.
Painting with a brush as broad as the one you’re using only serves to make the painter look foolish.

I can absolutely, 100% agree with you there are shitheads in the federal government at all levels. I can also 100% guarantee you there are shitheads in every walk of life in our nation, and in the world as a whole.
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Painting with a brush as brought as the one you’re using only serves to make the painter look foolish.

I can absolutely, 100% agree with you there are shitheads in the federal government at all levels. I can also 100% guarantee you there are shitheads in every walk of life in our nation, and in the world as a whole.
Comon @JLS , don’t ruin the poor boy’s fantasy. If he can’t blame all of his woes on the gummit, then he might have to accept some personal responsibility!
Truth is many govt bureaucrats lack recognition they are public servants who are responsible to act as stewards and servants of the citizens and stakeholders in whatever their role is. The move of BLM headquarters to GJT clearly demonstrates many Lords don't want to leave the DC Castle to mingle with the serfs who happen to live near and use lands they are responsible for.
I don’t feel like looking this up but it’s over 90% probably over 95% of BLM employees reside in the field, district, and state offices already. It was a great political talking point…you obviously took the bait but at the end of the day everyone including federal employees have to do what is best for them and their family… same as anyone does in the private sector when they get reassigned.
How do folks suppose most of those folks got to DC? I worked with one of the people that relocated to Grand Junction, way back in 2012-13 when he was field manager in Gunnison.
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