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Only 10 days...? Ammon Bundy heading to jail.

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As an individual who helps with the family farm more often then I like I will agree with you that on the outside the Bundy’s did a very good job of making it sound like they were being persecuted by big brother. But after you look into it further the Bundy’s are an absolute freakin embarrassment to anyone who considers themselves a family farmer.

All of the family farmers I know no doubt do like to be left alone and not bothered. but when it comes down to it all the family farmers I know pay there debts, they don’t take more then they earn. Family farmers are willing to sacrifice for themselves, for their neighbors, for their animals, but they don’t form an armed rebellion and take over a government office. And finally, any family farmer I know if they found themselves in trouble would fight like tooth and nail for what they believe in but when they lose they’d accept the punishment and serve the sentence.

As for the family friend who lost his life, if you play stupid games, you get stupid prizes.
I help with the family farm. My dad always said I wish I had more blm ground. Cheapest grazing in the world. I don’t really think the govt agency would matter. Some people just hate the gubmint
Dang, I spent the last day and a half in the quiet corners of Montana talking to high schoolers about conservation and advocacy. I hope none of them drop in on some of these recent threads; it would be counter to most of the discussions we had.

Take it back to civil discourse or go to Facebook.
I'd like to humbly apologize to the whole Hunt Talk community for starting this thread.

No apology needed. I am always concerned about what those crackpot Bundys will do next. We need to keep an eye on them. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. A couple of grossly ill-informed Hunt Talkers are at least now a little more enlightened, though I don't think it will make any difference. Anytime radical antigovernment fanatics hear anything that doesn't fit their preconceived notions of reality, they proclaim it "fake news." This is a sickness that preys on ignorance. It breeds ignorance to feed itself. And mark my words, this sickness will ultimately end very badly for gun owners since those create-their-own-reality fanatics also justify gun violence. It is heartening to at least see a number of "conservatives" on here who don't bite on the Bundy bullshit. I agree, that guy is hell bent on going to prison. The sooner the better. I'm concerned more of his "faithful" unhinged will wind up in pine boxes before he's locked up and shut up. I have no sympathy for the Lavoy Finicums who want to get themselves killed ... but their children ... that concerns me.
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No apology needed. I am always concerned about what those crackpot Bundys will do next. We need to keep an eye on them. Thanks for bringing that to our attention. A couple of grossly ill-informed Hunt Talkers are at least now a little more enlightened, though I don't think it will make any difference. Anytime radical antigovernment fanatics hear anything that doesn't fit their preconceived notions of reality, they proclaim it "fake news." This is a sickness that preys on ignorance. It breeds ignorance to feed itself. And mark my words, this sickness will ultimately end very badly for gun owners since those create-their-own-reality fanatics also justify gun violence. It is heartening to at least see a number of "conservatives" on here who don't bite on the Bundy bullshit. I agree, that guy is hell bent on going to prison. The sooner the better. I'm concerned more of his "faithful" unhinged will wind up in pine boxes before he's locked up and shut up. I have no sympathy for the Finicums ... but their children ... that concerns me.
The same can be said for the extreme on the other side.
I hate how this always turns into a “well your side did this”. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Lawbreakers are law breakers. I support enforcement of the law. Bundy likes to break the law. He will end up in jail someday
Wow! What a thread!

You’re right, sir. That’s an old rule that is not taught often enough anymore. I wish that people would call a spade a spade and not blindly defend “their side” or blindly insult the other side.
No. Just the suicide of a prominent doctor caught trafficking in stolen cultural artifacts. He had the courage to make money off stolen goods but not enough courage to face the consequences when caught. The crooked doctor's suicide had no connection to the dismissal of Agent Love. He was canned for abuses in the office, not in the field.

As a historian I have no sympathy whatsoever for cultural thieves and vandals. They are stealing life, literally. The BLM running an undercover sting operation was only "overreach" in the eyes of Utah senator because it involved Native American artifacts. If the doctor had broken into the Salt Lake Temple and stolen Mormon artifacts and got caught, he could have lit himself on fire in the city park and no one would have cared.
... it's really not any different then what we see in Colorado with the unprecedented closing of our access to our public lands.
Can you elaborate on specifics of where there is 'unprecedented closing' of access to public lands here in CO?

And if so - is the 'not any different' part vis a vis the Bundy's related to someone here in CO not paying their grazing fees for a couple of decades and engaging in armed standoffs with officials over collection of 7 figures of past-due fees?

You'd think both of those would have been pretty highly visible stories.
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