North Idaho fly fisherman?


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2021
Do we have any other north Idaho fly fisherman that fish the Cda river on here? I have fished it probably 25 years ? Anyways last few years have been hugely disappointed in the pressure it receives these days. Still plenty of fish but the amount of people fishing it is absurd. Montana put in hoot owl restrictions on some of there rivers but Cda is super low and warm and nothing? There’s a person on every rock all day long. Most of the pressure comes from Washington. Would it make sense to go to alternative days for resident and non residents? Again Montana has done this seems like a reasonable idea. I am actually to the point of thinking it should be a draw to fish? I hate restrictions on any public water but Cda river needs saving I think. What would you think what’s best way to affect change if changes make sense.
That's super depressing, my wife and I spent 2 days on the north fork 30 yrs ago. Fishing was amazing for cutthroat and I don't Remember seeing anyone else. Although, I used to say the same thing about the Madison
The CdA and surrounding areas are markedly different than they were 25 yrs ago in terms of pressure. What the CdA drainage has become is heartbreaking. Loved to death. I generally avoid it at all costs, but have made two trips this year to a couple of small walk in areas with less pressure. The easy access, willing fish and beautiful scenery draw the masses. It’s a mess and it’s also very hard on the fish in the warmer water temps and low water. Anglers simply need to do the right thing for the fish and give them a break.
Loved to death is a fair statement. What’s not to enjoy about just getting started fishing a run and having a bunch of drunk inner tubers come put in on top of you, swim and splash in the hole, etc.
I packed Fishermen into the St. Joe Lodge on the Upper St. Joe River 28 years ago. We always saw lots of fishermen along the road. But very few past 2 miles up from the end of the road...
I packed Fishermen into the St. Joe Lodge on the Upper St. Joe River 28 years ago. We always saw lots of fishermen along the road. But very few past 2 miles up from the end of the road...
Heller Creek to Spruce Tree used to be off the radar world class fishing, but my FIL made a trip in last summer and was seriously disappointed in how it fishes now. Was a time I could go in and not see another person for a 4 day trip. He said that isn't the case anymore.

In my mind, that leaves one more truly great fly fishing spot left in the north, and not many are willing to drop in to it. Probably will be it's saving grace.
Heller Creek to Spruce Tree used to be off the radar world class fishing, but my FIL made a trip in last summer and was seriously disappointed in how it fishes now. Was a time I could go in and not see another person for a 4 day trip. He said that isn't the case anymore.

In my mind, that leaves one more truly great fly fishing spot left in the north, and not many are willing to drop in to it. Probably will be it's saving grace.

This might be the spot. Not a soul around and overgrown trails. We had other destinations this day, but I want to go back for some fishing.

My buddy guides on the CdA. He's meeting clients at 5 am and is off the water by 11, so at least some guides are adhering to some self-enforced hoot owl restrictions.
My buddy guides on the CdA. He's meeting clients at 5 am and is off the water by 11, so at least some guides are adhering to some self-enforced hoot owl restrictions.

The guides are good 👍
I packed Fishermen into the St. Joe Lodge on the Upper St. Joe River 28 years ago. We always saw lots of fishermen along the road. But very few past 2 miles up from the end of the road...

I have fished that section a good amount it’s busier than it used to be but way better than Cda. I was just looking for solutions to Cda river pressure. I think limiting non residents to certain days is a good idea. Like I said Montana does it
Spring is 🔥 but once the floaters hit not so much.

We still have great days on Cda river still lots of fish it’s just not a very good experience. The all day pressure especially this summer is not good for the fishery long term. I was looking for input on solutions but maybe it just is what it is and I need to deal with it
This might be the spot. Not a soul around and overgrown trails. We had other destinations this day, but I want to go back for some fishing.

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Great picture 👍 I was hoping to focus on the Cda river which you can’t hike away from the road since the road literally follows it to independence and teepee creek. I have hiked up, rode horses, into independence and you can get away but it’s really small water and just gets smaller as summer hits. I appreciate everyone responding but really what would be good to propose for the main river and little north fork that literally follows the roads? I think start with certain days no non residents? Or am I just being a whiner and forget about it? And just keep looking for more remote water? Me and my boy have been doing this we have found some good stuff that’s new to me. I don’t know just hard to abandon the Cda when I had so many great days there in the past. Any opinions on potential solutions? Or should I just move on. Again I think the non residents restrictions good start.
Funny how a couple of the responses immediately went too hike into a different area on a different river. I was looking for potential solutions for a river that’s completely a long side a road. This site’s got some funny members I just need to hike my lazy but up a trail to fix the problem 😂 doesn’t exist on the Cda. There’s too many mtn ops drinking, trekking pole , left leaning , western newbies on here for me I’m checking out of this site. Thanks for the members that actually commented on the Cda river
Watching this thread. I'm just getting back into fly fishing after many years chucking worms. It's like starting all over again. No more cut-off jeans an Converse wading sneakers...

But then I guess the OP has checked out.
Watching this thread. I'm just getting back into fly fishing after many years chucking worms. It's like starting all over again. No more cut-off jeans an Converse wading sneakers...

But then I guess the OP has checked out.
I came back to browse lol-I wouldn't wear cut offs (for other reasons outside of fishing) but no need to invest in high dollar waders and boots either. I see people in july and august in brand new waders and boots in ankle high water when its 100 degrees its absurd . Ninety percent of the time I am fishing in shorts and sandles but i did get the felt soled sandles recently. Most of our rivers are fine to wade in cut-offs and converse they are small water. dont buy all the crap-I only use waders for very short period in spring or winter.
Hard to keep up when I took a few days to go fly fishing (not CDA river) last week. I have only fished the CDA river for 4 years, so at minimum I qualify as a western newbie. Mostly spinning rod but more fly fishing lately. Grew up fishing small rivers and lakes in MN where I rarely even saw another person on the water. The amount of activity at the river corridor seemed crazy to me going back to 2017 when I was first checking it out and it has only been busier the last two summers. I just avoided fishing on summer weekends from the start and did most of my fishing in the fall. For Friday thru Sundays in July-August, just have to buy a 12 pack of Busch and bring the inner tube and leave the fly rod at home.

This article was put out by IDFG this past week:

It looks like IDFG position is that restricting afternoon fishing will have minimal benefit. A lot of people I talk to are doing it voluntarily similar to the guides. With trout more unlikely to bite on a hot afternoon how many people standing on the shore are catching fish? It seems like the people I see out fishing in the afternoon don't have much of a strategy. People out there slinging giant rooster tails mid-afternoon that I don't think were getting a whole lot of hits.

Reading up on rest and rotation days for the Madison from this past year and it looks like it is going into affect in 2022. Mainly restricting guided use in certain areas. Some other place it is happening for more data that I don't see? Making certain days resident only on the CDA just seems like it would shift pressure and be an enforcement burden. Might end up reducing pressure on some days, but those guys will just show up tomorrow. Nice for residents, but it seems like minimal/temporary benefit for the fish.

So no answers from me, but I would be interested in solutions and helping out in some way if possible.

I did buy some Korker Devils Canyon boots this past month. After wading with water sandals in fast water with big slippery rocks these things are like a cheat code. Not needed on the CDA, but for some other rivers I have been on this summer they have been great.
Hard to keep up when I took a few days to go fly fishing (not CDA river) last week. I have only fished the CDA river for 4 years, so at minimum I qualify as a western newbie. Mostly spinning rod but more fly fishing lately. Grew up fishing small rivers and lakes in MN where I rarely even saw another person on the water. The amount of activity at the river corridor seemed crazy to me going back to 2017 when I was first checking it out and it has only been busier the last two summers. I just avoided fishing on summer weekends from the start and did most of my fishing in the fall. For Friday thru Sundays in July-August, just have to buy a 12 pack of Busch and bring the inner tube and leave the fly rod at home.

This article was put out by IDFG this past week:

It looks like IDFG position is that restricting afternoon fishing will have minimal benefit. A lot of people I talk to are doing it voluntarily similar to the guides. With trout more unlikely to bite on a hot afternoon how many people standing on the shore are catching fish? It seems like the people I see out fishing in the afternoon don't have much of a strategy. People out there slinging giant rooster tails mid-afternoon that I don't think were getting a whole lot of hits.

Reading up on rest and rotation days for the Madison from this past year and it looks like it is going into affect in 2022. Mainly restricting guided use in certain areas. Some other place it is happening for more data that I don't see? Making certain days resident only on the CDA just seems like it would shift pressure and be an enforcement burden. Might end up reducing pressure on some days, but those guys will just show up tomorrow. Nice for residents, but it seems like minimal/temporary benefit for the fish.

So no answers from me, but I would be interested in solutions and helping out in some way if possible.

I did buy some Korker Devils Canyon boots this past month. After wading with water sandals in fast water with big slippery rocks these things are like a cheat code. Not needed on the CDA, but for some other rivers I have been on this summer they have been great.

Good article thanks for posting. I have been fly fishing some other waters as well and have found some very good fishing with no company at all 👍 I just wish there was an easier solution to the tremendous pressure the Cda receives. Montana restricted guided and non resident from float fishing certain sections of the beaver head and big hole river on west which was where I got my idea on certain days no non resident fishing. I bought some high dollar wading boots last winter they are nice but definitely not a necessity. I still never wear them in the summer even if fishing big rivers. Thanks for the article as it pertains to the Cda river. Idaho just likes a hands off approach which I really appreciate in most circumstances. I probably just need to accept the Cda river as it is. But I miss the good old days of great fishing and not a lot of company
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