NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Non hunting bucket list or dreams?

I would like to have a fishing cabin with boat in SE AK, a condo or villa in Italy, and a condo/apt in Mexico, Central or South America upon retiring. Spend Jan-Mar down south, Apr-May in Italy, Jun-Aug in AK, Sep-Dec in ID. Rent/Air BnB house in Idaho, Italy, and down south when not living there.

Build a collection of Whiskies and Scotches.

Complete MLB/NFL Stadium Games for each team.

Eat BBQ at 3 different places in each State.

Find Placer/Lode Gold in each State.

Visit a different country each year, while partaking in local pubs, taking a cooking class, and seeing the sites.
Lots more fishing the big water and flats/reefs of the Caribbean, Sea of Cortez, Pacific.

Travel across Europe, China and the subcontinent.

Take the gunsmithing course at CO school of trades & follow it up with the stock making course from a gunsmith in Livingston.

Learn to build bamboo rods

Tear down the oligarchy & institute a true representational democratic republic.
Pay off the house before my oldest hits high school.
Help kids graduate without student loans - by encouraging academics to hopefully get assistance, and financially.

Haven't figured what i dream about after that. Be nice to still have functioning knees and back by then.

My wife's dream is to be able to retire if and when we get a grandkid, but that better be 2 plus decades away.
Own a nice piece of ground to do habitat work on, maybe with a trout stream. Unfortunately, in my area, I would have to hit the lottery.
Lots more fishing the big water and flats/reefs of the Caribbean, Sea of Cortez, Pacific.

Travel across Europe, China and the subcontinent.

Take the gunsmithing course at CO school of trades & follow it up with the stock making course from a gunsmith in Livingston.

Learn to build bamboo rods

Tear down the oligarchy & institute a true representational democratic republic.
4/5 ain't bad....

Non hunting, I guess if I have to have a bucket list it's to go visit the Emerald Isle, see if I can find any relatives. Then boat over to the Isle of Mann and watch the TT race.
4/5 ain't bad....

Non hunting, I guess if I have to have a bucket list it's to go visit the Emerald Isle, see if I can find any relatives. Then boat over to the Isle of Mann and watch the TT race.

Why don't you like bamboo rods?

Owning a 40+ acre hunting property here in WI for my kids to enjoy. Slowly working on it, but land prices keep climbing for good hunting property.
Where are you looking, Dad has a 40 with a cabin in Buffalo Co he wants to sell
To visit, like truly visit each state in the Union and see what each has to offer. I love birding, so a Big Year is also high on any life list
For decades Havasupai Falls was on my list and I wish I had done it decades ago. Now because of the internet I understand that it's way too popular and now they charge a fortune to camp there. Also, I've always wanted to drive the length of Baja but my wife who is from Mexicali BC is afraid to do that. I must admit that I too am afraid to drive it. On our honeymoon 31 years ago we had a close call with highway bandits and it has only gotten worse.
My focus is hunting I guess. Off topic. I want to kill a 200 inch clean four point mule deer on a draw or general tag, no guide or preferences. Other than that, maybe see New Zealand. mtmuley
Would like to learn how to roast my own coffee.

Sample all the craft whiskeys in Montana, then Saskatchewan, then...

Want to do a lot more traveling in Central and South America, mostly for birding and photography.

Still kind of hunting related, but I really want to learn to trap. My grandpa was a state trapper when I was little and it made a big impression on me for some reason.
Caribou Gear

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