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New release


Well-known member
May 4, 2019
I'm setting up an old bow so I can give my son my new bow. I'm always tinkering so I think I am going to try a thumb style release. What do you guys recomend I should look at?
When it comes to thumb buttons I would not go cheap. Buy once, cry once. If you go cheap($50-$100ish) you will end up just getting a better release anyways. If you buy a high end model and end up hating the thumb button you can pretty much get back what you bought it for.
But Cheaper means more trigger travel, less adjustment and overall less quality obviously. My favorite releases are Carter's and Stans. Truball, Scott, trufire also all make good releases on there upper end products. But just make sure whatever release you go with fits your hand properly. Don't just buy one off the internet I would go and try out as many as you can. I would also go with a release that has a cocking mechanism for the trigger. It will allow you to set the trigger heavy or light and have zero creep. But go to a reputable shop and look around and I'm sure you'll find one out like.
Scott came out with their "pursuit" thumb release not too long ago to compliment their "longhorn hunter" hinge release. Being a longhorn user myself, I would lean towards the Pursuit.

The Nock On releases are very popular bit good luck finding one as they're almost always out of stock.

Carter has always had a good name too.
Carter, Stan, truball ...all solid handhelds. One piece of advise, buy your first couple used til you get a fell for what suits you. It’s all to easy to dump 200 on handheld that doesn’t work for you
Caribou Gear

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