Caribou Gear

new member!

Skull Krazy

New member
Sep 7, 2007
Just learned about this forum from Moosie today, he guaranteed me it smokes all the others, so i figured i'd climb on aboard!:D
Oh man, if you are talking to Moosie and taking his advice, you might as well cut your losses right now! Just kidding, Moosie is a good ol' chap. Welcome aboard and post away.
Well just incase he's only pretending to be nice too me (for information on big Utah bulls) the 400" toad i told him about is really just a big fat spike!hump
Krazy, you are going to fit in just fine if you are allready making fun of moosie for spikes! Welcome aboard!
Holey Crap.. A guy shoots a Few Spikes in his life and is Labled a Spiker :)

Sup Skulls !!! You better not be lieing, If I don't get a 400" bull in Utah now it's your fault :p

Welcome aboard, Even though you're a Utard ;)
I don't have my website up and going yet, "Skull Krazy" is still less than a year young, but it's coming soon (still compiling before & after pix). You can see a pix of what i do on
Go to the shed hunter forum, click on page two and look for the post titled "new skull".
I mount deer & elk sheds onto reproduction skulls to make european mounts out of them.:)
I posted a reply to your question earlier today, but it didn't post....i'll try again.

"Skull Krazy" is not quite a year old and i don't have a website up yet, still compiling before & after shots, but it's coming soon.
If you want to see what i do, go to muleymadness, look in the shed hunters forum. Go to page 2 and look for the post titled "new skull".
I mount both deer & elk antlers to reproduction skulls to make European mounts. Pretty neat shizz!!:)
That's some nice work you do. helluva difference between the before and after pics

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