Caribou Gear

My ignore list of countries needs updating


New member
May 1, 2002
The Shores of Tonto Creek
I don't want any one to take this the wrong way (although I'm sure someone will) But I'd like to start a thread showing how many other countries are helping the US in our time of need.

What I'd like is if any one see's an article or something stating that another country is sending aid or money to the areas sticken by Katrina to post it up in this thread. I wanna know how many of these places we're always sending our tax dollars too actually give a damn enough to try to help our people. I know the rest of the world isn't as rich as us but I don't care if they only send 5 pesos at least they tried to help.

If Del or someone would make this a sticky I'd appreciate it.
Or if anyone can provide information that there is even mention in the newpaper about the devistation incurred as a result of Katrina, I would appreciate it. I talk to several folks overseas on a daily basis and so far the only ones even knowledgable about the hurricane are from UK. Israel, no mention. Japan, no mention. France, no mention. Germany, one small paragraph in the Nueremburg Daily. Okinawa, no mention.

I find that very interesting..

Here's a little Canadian news...

Canadian relief agencies start to help Katrina victims
Last Updated Wed, 31 Aug 2005 16:23:10 EDT
CBC News
Canadian relief agencies have moved to help the U.S. states hit by Hurricane Katrina.

Canadian Red Cross volunteers with experience in large scale disasters were being contacted Wednesday and officials hoped a handful would be travelling to the southern U.S. by the weekend.

Suzanne Charest of the Red Cross said they'll likely send more than 100 volunteers in the coming weeks to help serve hot meals, assess the needs of displaced families and to train other volunteers.

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