My good old days..


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2013
Decatur, OH
Just thought I would contribute some pictures to the forum. My dad literally has thousands of pictures from hunting. I just tried to pick a few that represent his hunting career from the beginning, leading into mine and hopefully continuing into the future for my sons. I noticed I had a repeat on the one, sorry. The first eight pictures are various deer we have killed over the years. The older deer pictures are dad's first P&Y in 1977, and the second is dad's first deer from 1970 (one where he is standing next to my uncle who was a deputy). It was 1 of only 7 deer killed in the county that year. There weren't many around back then. The next few are a view from the hilltop of our favorite turkey area, and some of the many of the turkeys we have taken out of there over the years. The last picture is an example of why it has been really cool to be a taxidermists son. You get to see everyone's trophies! Hope you enjoy the pictures as much as I have enjoyed going through them this evening!



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Really cool stuff. Nice to know that someone was using a camera for their hunts back then. I cannot believe my family hunted/fished so much and hardly a picture can be found.

Congrats to your Dad. Really great bucks.
Very nice! Really dig the older pics. My family doesn't have a lot of them, but I do need to get the ones we do have into digital.
The double dropper does it for me. Cool pics all.

Thanks for all the comments, it is fun for me to go back through and recall the stories that go with the pictures. That double drop tine buck should've been mine, or at least that is what I tell my brother! I was about 12 when he killed it. I was sitting on the ground at the base of the tree and he was in the stand. At that time, I had a pretty hard time with heights. Dad did a drive through a grown up cedar thicket as a last ditch effort to get us a buck. There was only half an hour left in the season. My brother saw him first, with the height advantage, and hit him in the hip. His gun jammed after the first shot, so he came down the tree as fast as he could and stole my gun to finish him off. If I recall correctly, it had 15 points and net scored somewhere in the 150s-160s.
Very cool pictures. There is just something about those "old" photos that take you back in time. Good stuff . . . . thanks for sharing.

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