My first AZ Mule Deer


Aug 13, 2013
Snottsdale, Az
Here goes. I sat this tank last summer and screwed up on every buck that came in without even getting to shoot. This year, I arrived opening day in the afternoon and brushed in a blind and didn't see anything except a doe. The days after that the same doe and little spike would sneak up behind me and start running around and blowing at me. Finally this last Thursday, my forky showed up but wouldn't come in to my lane, the wind swirled and two cottontails decided to play grab ass right behind me and he took off.
I couldn't make it this last weekend due to a bachelor party and went straight there after class on Monday. I sat for about an hour from about 4-5 p.m. and a doe came in and started blowing and took off. About ten minutes later another doe showed up and a minute after that my buck showed up. The doe watered for a few minutes with her butt to me and I think she smelled me because she kinda left a little fast, and I couldn't see the buck so I thought I was screwed. I stayed motionless for the next few minutes and he came in to view, then for a drink. As he stood with his butt to me, I waited for 30 seconds and drew, but he just kept drinking and wouldn't turn for over another minute. I started getting shaky and had to let down from my draw. He heard it and jumped to his right and I thought I was screwed again. He stopped and turned around and I drew again. He finally turned broadside and I shot. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but I gut shot him. Probably from holding for so long, and I think I peeked around during the shot.
I found my arrow and first spot of blood then marked it. I went back to my truck around the hill and unloaded the heavy stuff from my pack giving him about a half hour. I started looking from first blood and he was right there about fifty yards away and jumped up and tried to hurry away. I called my buddy to let him know what was going on. I waited another half hour and started following a small blood trail. It was getting dark and I couldn't find anymore blood. My buddy finally showed up and he saw a small buck and does coming my way as he started to make his way to me. They got to the other side of the Palo Verde I was at and blew out. It was about dark at that time and he cought a glare from my bucks eye with his flash light a little under 100 yards from me. He was down and not moving but still alive. I got above him and hit him in the lungs with another arrow. He ran about 50 yards and died right next to a side road.
This is my first Archery deer and hopefully not my last. Since he was right next to the road and I had plenty of ice, we loaded him up after cleaning him out and filled and covered him with ice. I called up my brother, and took the deer to his house to hang and finish processing. I am still fairly new to hunting(about 6 years), so I am thankful to have people willing to help me out, and am thankful for my opportunities.
This was a great experience.IMG_20160829_201132584.jpg
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Good job. The first one is always the toughest. Congrats
Congrats on you first AZ mulie! After hunting on and off for several years wih bow I'm still trying to get my first ANYTHING with my bow.
Nice work dude, hanging out in blind in the desert heat is no picnic. Drinking a few beers while skinning and butchering in the backyard is always fun though.
Congrats on your first!! Welcome to the broadhead brotherhood. There is no known cure for the addiction, though. I'm looking to get my first mulie buck with my bow this year. I've got one with my rifle, but want one in velvet and with my bow.
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