Must have items


Active member
Apr 28, 2018
What are 3 must have items you have in your gear? Don't list the NEEDS (gun, ammo, vehicle, etc.), stuff that drastically helps you.
May help to elaborate on what your hunting, where you are hunting, and your hunting style. Those factors should heavily influence what is classified as "must have items".
Snacks, snacks, and more snacks. In all seriousness, some small stuff that I'm sure plenty of other people have with them are some zip ties, electrical tape, and marking tape. You might not use them every time you hunt, but when you need them you will be happy you have them.
I find no matter what type of hunting I need my Bino's, Water (I'm a camel so I drink a ton especially if its hot out), maps (for public private boundaries mainly), and if you don't count water I would say range finder.

I know a lot of people won't agree with the last one, but when youre out in the wide open without even trees judging distance is dang hard. I've sworn a deer was only at 100-150 to find out later with google earth I actually shot it more like 250-300, so I like to double check these days...
May help to elaborate on what your hunting, where you are hunting, and your hunting style. Those factors should heavily influence what is classified as "must have items".
I'm hoping people elaborate on their own from hunting squirrels to bighorn sheep, please note what you use your items for.I would just like to know what people bring on hunts regardless of what kind
Well, I hunt everything from doves to deer. I would say the one thing I nearly always have is optics, boots and a hydration pack. Do not scrimp on bino's or boots!!!
P-cord, headlamp, chlorine dioxide tabs, and obviously lighters in every pocket.
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For me it’s a good headlamp, bug spray, and a small pack of baby wipes
I’m in Florida so from dove to ducks to deer to fishing I typically have those 3. 1: Never know when you will be past dark. 2: it’s florida the bugs are always around 3: I’ve wiped my butt with enough napkins that I appreciate a good baby wipe... also helps with bathing on camping trips.
Could go anywhere with this! Some things that come to mind for say, a backcountry rifle elk hunt, are a1) tripod for my binocs. Makes time spent behind the glass way more pleasant. 2)OnX maps. enough said. 3) Puffy Pants. These are a game changer to start and end the day. More than your legs, they give your whole body of feeling cozy. So nice. I sleep in them too when its really cold.
I hike way back so I take the essential gear to stay overnight if I shoot something at dusk....3 sources of fire (matches lighter and flint), fuel tabs, space blankets, gerber exchange a blade saw, zip ties, and paracord....of course water...………...If I'm hunting in the Rockies in November I'm packing different gear than in September, different clothing, etc
I have turkey on the brain, as the final countdown to the season opener has begun.

1: some sort of seating to allow stealthy ambush be more comfortable.....either a three legged chair or a stadium style seat/back rest to hunker down and get motionless
2: pretreated clothing with permethrin, and now after my Canada bear adventure, I will be bringing a thermacell on all Kansas buggy adventures, all while chanting my mantra: "no ticks, no ticks, no ticks"
3: intentional waterproof clothing......I almost always use breathable waders for spring turkeys....dry and windproof, and if not waders, tall rubber boots to mud my way to success
Fire starting kit - never needed it, but I will always have it

Sitting pad - if I'm comfortable, I sit and watch longer

InReach - peace of mind for me and my wife
-the right hunting clothes. For me its KUIU. allows me to stay drier, more comfortable longer
- TP
-back up knife

Then after all that, bourban for back at camp or cabin. Not alot, just one drink of really nice glass served neat for sipping. Knob, Bakers, Woodford in that range
My essentials that are in my pack even for short hunts.
1. Baby wipes (It sucks having to use your socks)
2. On X chip
3. Water
My assumption on this, is tht if you should forget one of these items, say 1/2 mile from the truck, it is important enough
to you that you would go back for it
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GPS w/Onx chip
headlamp x 2
lightweight Puffy

Its hard to limit just 3 as I think a first aid kit of some form is important and i always carry fire starting materials too.
Caribou Gear

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