Caribou Gear

Mule Deer painting


New member
Jul 3, 2004
Outside the Beltway
I was thinking of all you guys living out west when I chose this particular picture.

Do you like Mulies ?

I started this one Sunday. I have a bit of tweaking to do to the body and head. I sat down and sketched this out in about an hour so it's not spot on. But will be. The painting is 18X24" the photo is 8x9"

I hope you all enjoy this one. I've been thinking of this for some time now. I am not a Mule Deer fan to hunt but this guy has a look about him.


....has the Frida thing goin on with the brow Dave. Gonna be a nice work. Great photo.
Look forward to seeing the finished product. The life you bring to the outdoors always has me looking at your threads. Kinda like MtMiller's threads for photo's. Some threads hold the highlights to view.
I worked on the body last night. I saw a retina specialist yesterday and I'm having problems with perception. After I put this up and looked at it I saw the nose was off a bit. I'll repair that this evening and begin the lighter coloring on him.
Spent the past 2 days in the studio. Painting is starting to get habit forming. Kind of like what hunting was for me the past 30 years. I hope soon to turn my shop over to my son and take the art to the next level, full time.
Thanks harley.
This is from my viewing chair. It's coming together. I like the window effect and the expression that is captured.
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