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MT Cow Elk


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Helena MT
Well to start with it has been a few years since I have been able to actually harvest an elk. Not for any lack of trying that's for sure. So usually I have a few friends that I would go hunting with. Each of them has already gotten on elk of some sort either them shooting on or one of the sons shooting one, so no one wanted to go with me on Sat Morning. So I had already told my 5 year old Son named Hunter, that we would be going hunting, so now I have to go. So i racked my brain on places that we could go that would have a good chance of us finding a cow since I did have a 380 anterless Elk tag. So we get up on Sat morning and start driving in there. We get about 1/4 mile away from the parking spot and out pop the elk in the headlights. There was about 40 of them and we just watch them cross. It is still about 20 min before shooting light and they were on private property. Well at least we know that they were in the area. So we get to the parking spot, get out and walk a little ways in the dark and wait for shooting light.

It was pretty overcast so even at shooting light we still cant see very well so we give it a few more minutes. We are only about 100 yards in the the public land. So we slowly start working our way parallel to the fence. We make it about 300 yards in 20 mins and the whole forest breaks loose on the wrong side of the fence. So i tell my son to stay put and I take off running across the flat to the edge so I can try and see something. I am now about 20 feet from the fence and the fence is singing to me. Further down the fence line where I cant see all the elk are crossing the fence and the sound is traveling up the fence line. SO I got about 50 yards from my son and cant see any elk, so I figure that they are all gone and I start walking back up the hill to gather up my son. Once I reached him I look out thru the trees and the elk are in the open. They are about 450 yards away and slowly working further away. So I figured this was my shot. I was carrying my 30-06 with 150gr Core-lokts. So I found a good rest on a stump, found the closest elk to me, waited till she turned broadside, held just above her back and pow. After the recoil I find her in the scope again and I can tell she is hit. She is starting to sway a little bit and finally falls down. So after the woot wooting and high fives, I jump on my phone and start calling in the cavalry. They bring in a game cart and we are able to get her out whole. Here are some pictures.


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Way to get out there - Can't get em from the house (at least not mine)!
Good eats and great memories.
Congrats. Is that bacon wrapped tenderlion cooking on the grill that I smell?
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