Moosie's 12 days of Christmas....

OK..... I am getting tiered... Might have to brush up on the latter ones.

Any thoughts ?!?!??!! Hows the GRAMMAR NOW ;) ... :D :D

OK.. OK.... I might have lost the seriousness for a min or two. I'm sure tomorrow the Wife will set me straight... HAHA !!!

The 2nd Day of Christmas

Ahhh did you miss us ? Or think we forgot ?
It’s only day 2, Us forget ? I think naught.
We didn’t forget, nor last night not got caught,
We snuck to your door and a present did drop.

Today is a camel to add to the Wise man,
It carried the gifts of our father’s great plan.
Now you have 2, of a set of just 12.
Hopefully you have them set up on a shelf.

Some caramel, one camel, one chewy, one not,
One takes you for a ride and one, hits the spot.
Some caramel to eat, a great day this will be,
A taste of sensation, a mouth fes’tivity.

The 3rd Day of Christmas

Night three is upon us, let’s sing and let’s dance,
The gift we have chosen is not just by chance.
You pop it and put it on a string with care,
Wrap it around the tree, for soon St. Nick will be there.

The 2nd Wiseman brought frankincense and myrrh,
To little baby Jesus in his crib, did not stir.
Hopefully you like our lyrical rhyme,
It surely is fun, we’ve had a good time.

Be who you are, and say what you feel,
Don’t hold it back, being you’s a big deal.
Know what you know, and live what you say,
And believe in the Lord and always do pray.

I hope you’re not peaking each night at your door,
We’re doing it daily, like a great big encore.
So IG’nore, the door, I implore for there’s more
There is more and therefore, you’ll see what’s instore

The 4th Day of Christmas

This great Christmas season is so full of fun.
We're happy to share with your family, then run.
How grateful we are that you're playing our game.
You'll now find that Christmas won't be the same.

My rhyming is like Dr Sues in a way,
Go away, come to stay, let us play, don’t delay,
Are you in dismay, today is the 4th day.
We can Hoot and can Holla,, like Hip Hip Hoo’ray.

A cow as a statue, some milk as the treat
Milk might not be fancy, but better than wheat !
If you don’t drink it today, and save it for morn,
It might still be good… Like, with some cereal or something like that J

The 5th Day of Christmas

The donkey has names, some names with no class.
Some call it a Burro some call it….(I’ll pass).
But it was there that night, and it wasn’t not no stranger,
With a sheep and a Sheppard and the rest near the manger.

In the 12 days of Christmas song that they sing
On the 5th day of Christmas, got Five golden ring
But rings are expensive, so donuts you get.
MMMMmmmmm donuts !!

The 6th Day of Christmas

Another man’s here, he’s the last of the three.
As we think of this man, What will be? We shall see !
He gave up his treasures to the Infant King,
Gave him gold and some silver in his offering.

Chocó covered pretzel is the treat for today.
You better start munching for the day slips away.
They taste really good if you’ve had them before
They would go really good with the milk from Day 4

………Unless you drank it with cereal or something like that J

The 7th Day of Christmas

The 7th day of Christmas and we are half way done,
Remember no peeking or you'll spoil the fun.
We give you this sheep; Wool keeps you warm
And easy to fix when it’s tattered and torn.

Cocoa is steamy, fill your hot cups with care.
We brought you enough to drink some and to share.
Your holidays should be warm like this drink,
It should warm your bellies, and your hearts we would think.

The cocoa is brown with white squishy marshmallow’s,
It will warm yer bellies more better than Jell-O.

The 8th Day of Christmas

Sheppard & candy canes……..
No rhymes today (Sorry)

The 9th Day of Christmas

Angel’s bring tidings and a joyous Noel
Eat the dam cookies then go to hell……….

The 10th Day of Christmas

That wasn’t us yesterday.. It was some other jerk.
He must have slipped in while I was at work

Tis the night ‘fore the night, ‘fore the night before Christmas,
The gift isn’t beans and it’s not a big beer glass.
That didn’t really rhyme but I’m on the 10th day
So cut me some slack on the things that I say.

We brought you some candies with chocolate galore

Chocolate candies

The 11th Day of Christmas

11 days or WRITING POEMS !!!! AAAHHhhhhhhhhh…

The 12th Day of Christmas

Christmas Eve has arrived, and on this our last night,
One dozen drummers would be a grand sight.
But the noise of their drums would hurt your head,
So eat all these cookies we bring you instead.

In this little manger, who we have with us,
In swaddling cloths is baby Jesus.
He was born this great day, heavenly father above,
He completes your set, we give you with love.

With 12 days of riddles, some lyrics and puns,
Merry Christmas to you, from the Williamson’s.

Sounds good to me! Oh, to have a Big Family of kids again. John

Travo will have em running under your feet before you know it John.

Moosie, kudos on the holiday memory making stuff for sure. Bet your penning sonnets by Valentines Day.
That is cool. Be interesting to see if they will keep playing the game with you.:D

Cudos to your son.
Haha don't even start, I'd go through every one with a big red pen!! You're actually doing quite well, although marshmallows shouldn't have an apostrophe.

Comma splice- AND then run

Dr. Suess.

one comma after "holla"

...okay I'm done now :D
The donkey has names, some names with no class.
Some call it a Burro some call it….(I’ll pass).

But it was there that night, and it wasn’t not no stranger,
With a sheep and a Sheppard and the rest near the manger.

Come on.. I did a Tripple negative and you didn't comment on it ? :D :D
A cow as a statue, some milk as the treat

Milk might not be fancy, but better than wheat !

If you don’t drink it today, and save it for morn,

It might still be good… Like, with some cereal or something like that J

Is the last line Funny or Stupid ?

Wife thinks it's dumb cuz it doesn't rhym..... Ithink on day 4 with all the other rhymes it's funny. Any input ? Don't be shy, I need to know in the next couple hours !!!

AND, If you don't like it, any ideas to make it funny but rhyme ?
A cow as a statue, some milk as the treat

Milk might not be fancy, but better than wheat !

If you don’t drink it today, and save it for morn,

It might still be good… Like, with some cereal while watching porn!
A cow as a statue, some milk as the treat

Milk might not be fancy, but better than wheat !

If you don’t drink it today, and save it for morn,

It might still be good… Put some Chocolate in it

and call it Obama-Meal!:D
Still at it..... Today is the 10th day :

The 10th Day of Christmas

Tis the night ‘fore the night, ‘fore the night before Christmas,
The gift isn’t socks and they definitely don’t mix match.
That didn’t really rhyme but I’m on the 10th day
So cut me some slack on the things that I say.

We brought you some candies with chocolate galore
Don’t worry they’re clean, didn’t drop on the floor.
I stepped in the kitchen, helped my wife, (I’m hard core).
Then gobbled a few, ate a dozen or more.

Not only the treats, today we did bring.
But also wrapped up a new figurine.
The 10th piece is Joseph, the earth dad of Christ,
Who always helped out and stood by his wife.

As you read this tonight, and look at the set,
Think to yourself, cuz it’s a good bet.
He came down from Heaven to live here below
To suffer then die cuz He loved us so.
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My alternate ending was:

I hope that’s all spelt right,
And it’s not all just FUBARed

But......the Wife NIXED it....... *sigh*.

Anyways, Thought I'd share my second to last night. Tomorrow is the end, Merry Christmas to all.

The 11th Day of Christmas

Tonight we bring the mother,
who we love just like our own,
Mary, just like our mother
gives us a nice great home.

This season think of your mother,
And call her on the phone.
You know she’ll love to hear from you
and appreciate your tone.

Not Mary Mary quiet contrary
how does your garden grow,
But Mary which bore baby Jesus
in a manger out of the snow.

Not Mary had a little lamb,
her fleece was white as snow,
But Mary with the savior child,
Who loves us from head to toe.

Along with Mary we brought you,
some cookies with a kiss.
These are magical cookies, as you eat them
We’ll let you make one wish.

Don’t wish for something expensive,
Or something that’s unreal.
Just wish for something simple
that “good” it makes you feel.

We have one day, tomorrow,
And will write, but one, more rhyme..
So hopefully you’re around yer house
We might be at the door THAT time..

So we bid you Adieu, Buenas noches,
Tschau, and au revoir
Just other way’s of saying,
Good night, from lands a far.
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