Sitka Pre Season Savings

Moose Score Sheet Is Complete


Well-known member
Aug 27, 2015
As most people here already know, I had gotten lucky in the moose draw last fall, but in the wrong area. I guess 2 wrongs can make a right, as I ended up with a dandy moose. Waiting for the required drying time was like waiting for Santa as a kid. Finally, almost 2 months past the required drying time, I got the official score.

From jubilation to depression in the moose lottery, I was real fortunate to get a nice moose in the wrong area. After research and scouting, I was able to locate a couple real nice bulls in the summer.

When hunting season opened, those bulls were not to be found. After a couple trips and talking to people in the area, I was to find this bull and have him close the range from 1000 yards to almost the back of my truck.

I would like to think it was all skill, but seasoned with good luck, I was blessed with a good bull...

Didn't need a B+C score to show it's a freaking nice bull.....but being north of 155" to land in the book is nice icing on the cake. It really is a beast of a Shiras.
Who measured it?

We have been chasing elk all day and just got home to find the response to the moose score sheet. Thanks for the appreciation of a fine animal indigenous to the west and Montana. It certainly made an already great fall, fantastic.

I have a bet with Rob Gallantine from Shedhorn as to who got the best moose this fall. Rob did get a dandy and the jury is still out as his hasn’t been scored yet. Our bet included Fred King as the scorer, as Fred is probably one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.

I met Fred in 1973 as he was spearheading a research project in regards to the grizzly bear population around Hebgen Lake and the Horse Butte area. He was a new employee of FWP as a biologist investigating the impact to both grizzly and black bears after the closing of all the dumps around the campgrounds in that area.

Anyone that knows Fred, knows what I’m talking about, and I would always have him score any of my trophies. He graciously accepted the challenge between Rob and myself which will culminate in a loser buys the winner a steak dinner at Lahood restaurant/bar near Cardwell, Montana.

Rob’s moose is yet to be scored, but Fred will do the honors at the appropriate time. Here is Rob’s moose, any guesses on his score???

We have been chasing elk all day and just got home to find the response to the moose score sheet. Thanks for the appreciation of a fine animal indigenous to the west and Montana. It certainly made an already great fall, fantastic.

I have a bet with Rob Gallantine from Shedhorn as to who got the best moose this fall. Rob did get a dandy and the jury is still out as his hasn’t been scored yet. Our bet included Fred King as the scorer, as Fred is probably one of the nicest guys you could ever meet.

I met Fred in 1973 as he was spearheading a research project in regards to the grizzly bear population around Hebgen Lake and the Horse Butte area. He was a new employee of FWP as a biologist investigating the impact to both grizzly and black bears after the closing of all the dumps around the campgrounds in that area.

Anyone that knows Fred, knows what I’m talking about, and I would always have him score any of my trophies. He graciously accepted the challenge between Rob and myself which will culminate in a loser buys the winner a steak dinner at Lahood restaurant/bar near Cardwell, Montana.

Rob’s moose is yet to be scored, but Fred will do the honors at the appropriate time. Here is Rob’s moose, any guesses on his score???

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Less than 159 7/8”. Has Rob asked you how you like your steak prepared?