Yeti GOBOX Collection

Montana draw

It is a convenient way to add more bull permits to all those districts when the commission didn't go for the absurdly high numbers initially discussed. This intentionally unintentional error now allows them to hand out more permits. A win for what they wanted.
A redraw would most likely just lead to another cluster f**k! What happens to all the people who were granted a tag due to the released tag from the first draw?
I drew my permit and I hope they do a redraw. My concern goes to the wildlife and if I don’t get a tag I’m completely fine with that. We do not need to be adding any tags period. This needs to be fixed correctly.
Oh ok, I’m in agreement with that. It’s too much pressure Preston
A redraw would most likely just lead to another cluster f**k! What happens to all the people who were granted a tag due to the released tag from the first draw?
Yeah I don’t see how they aren’t adding tags at this point. They will have to permits if they weren’t surplus (rifle permits won’t be) and than if a nonresident had the bgc but released it wtf they do? Got to add additional nr elk right?
You better get ready to be a rat on a Cheeto. The quota was a solid increase and the redraw I suspect will be an additional solid increase. I know 10 people with the rifle tag you have. I usually only have known like 2 per year. 😂
I’ve heard of three myself that have the same permit.
Oh ok, I’m in agreement with that. It’s too much pressure Preston
You had the tag in 2018, you swore the area off too much pressure. Said you would never be back. Since then they have only added permits.
The crux of the matter is that for all the elk permits where they applied a “first choice” requirement in the regulations, none of them said “1st and only choice” – they all said “1st choice only” which is a very different requirement. The latter technically allows second/third choices to be made. The only published “first and only choice” requirement in the regulations is for the Antelope 900-20 permit (do a word search). So, if they meant it to be “first and only choice” for these elk permits, the screw up was really in the published regulations themselves.

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Really nobody drew a permit if the system had multiple technological errors in the programming of the draw. All of the data sets would be skewed and incorrect, throwing off the whole system. It might feel like something is being taken away but it possibly should have never been 'awarded' anyway. Very tough situation, I can see both sides. I have to look at it as if the shoe were on the other foot, and I don't like either shoe. I would think it could have all been avoided with testing/reviewing before publicizing.
“The fairest solution to this error is to use my discretion to give all impacted hunters the shot at a permit they’re owed,” Director Worsech said.
The 3% is misleading. To me it reads 3% of the entire state apps. In those 10 districts the percentage would be much greater I presume, affecting the draw rather significantly. Am I reading that right?
You are. It’s a big deal