Caribou Gear Tarp

Montana Dead deer

5 years ago or so while hunting whitetails had a doe walk out of the bush staggering and died 10 yards from me - bloody nose.
I don't think it would be EHD. The frost takes care of that. I also thought it didn't affect mule deer.
My slight understanding is that mule deer contract it less due to their preferred environment, more arid. I believe EHD is more commonly passed in areas holding still water during drought by midges that proliferate in slow moving/still waters. This makes whitetails highly susceptible due to their preferred environment, river beds and such.
Mule deer get EHD, and will die from it. But the population as a whole generally fares better than whitetails. More individuals will survive infection. But for whatever reason we won’t normally see quite the drastic population level crash in mule deer that we often see in whitetails during EHD outbreaks. I am not sure of the exact mechanism for that.
I get the velvet but there’s nothing about buck nuts lol. I was under the impression no nuts was a hormonal/growth problem with them not dropping.