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Montana Bison tag


Active member
Jan 3, 2015
Kalispell , Montana
Hello everybody !!!
First post for me .
I need some help ...I drew a Bison tag for West Yellowstone this year and i have been down there twice with no luck ...
If anybody is around that area and spots any Bison would you please send me a pm.!!!

My tag is good till Jan. 15 ....

I would go down there with a snowmobile and drive every possible trail, looking for tracks/trails in this fresh snow. Out on the Butte there is a look out tower where you can see everything on the Butte and across the river. If there are bison out that way, odds are you would see them from that tower. Often, the bison hang on the private north of there, but they will often move to the public further west or south.
Thank You !!! Im trying to head down on wed. this week after the snow .
Im about 3 1/2 hrs away ...tough to just stop by ...
These special tags just drive a guy
Im sure they will be out soon son is going to film the hunt .My wife will be there also.
Im trying to use my bow for this hunt . If i can close the deal that will be fantastic !!
Memories for my life time for sure.

Thanks again .
I will post any news on the hunt for all to see/read.

If my wolf hunting travels take me down that way, I will make a few hikes to see what bison sign might be around.
Thank You both ...hope the snow pushes the Bison out soon.
I heard they are out in Gardiner ...good luck to the hunters over there.

God luck on your bison. Have yet to draw that tag.
This warm weather of the past few days is a bad situation for your tag. No cold or snow to move them is not to your benefit. Bummer.
I don't mean to discourage you, but you need to prepare yourself for exactly what might unfold if some bison do wander out of the Park to a spot you can hunt them. I didn't do a good job of that last year and was woefully disappointed once it happened for me. Some folks like Randy had a great experience. Others, including myself, did not. Just don't try to make it something it's not and you'll probably have an enjoyable experience.
I don't mean to discourage you, but you need to prepare yourself for exactly what might unfold if some bison do wander out of the Park to a spot you can hunt them. I didn't do a good job of that last year and was woefully disappointed once it happened for me. Some folks like Randy had a great experience. Others, including myself, did not. Just don't try to make it something it's not and you'll probably have an enjoyable experience.

I must have missed something. What's this about Dunc?
I drew a tag last year. The "hunt" was fairly enjoyable until I actually had a chance to shoot one. Ethics and safety go out the window for some folks when they have an opportunity to shoot a bison.
Gotcha. I've never put in for a bison tag, was toying with the idea for next season. Sounds like you need Kevlar?
Well thanks for the advice ..mdunc8.

I have a little under 40 years under my belt of hunting /traping all over the U.S.
and even Canada.. 43 mounts plus to prove it.

I have prepared as much as i can . The truck and equipment is ready with help also.
Im trying to hunt the Bison with my bow ..but if its not right the rifle is on my back.
I will make sure there is the least amount of suffering . Its our right to hunt these.great animals and im very proud to be drawn for a tag.

I heard the Bison are coming out in Gardner area....
I have one week for the West Yellowstone tag.... sure hope they start to move soon ....

Good luck to all the tag holders for Gardner ..

I drew a tag last year. The "hunt" was fairly enjoyable until I actually had a chance to shoot one. Ethics and safety go out the window for some folks when they have an opportunity to shoot a bison.

I'm still confused - did it turn into a slaughter with a bunch of people shooting into a herd or something? Did you wind up getting one?
Been on a lot of those hunts!!! Every year for about the last 5. Weather is 100% key, you either get it or you don't.

This little cold snap should help freeze that melting snow and get them moving. All you can do is be there and hope they come. If they do come, shooting one with a bow is no problem at all. They are used to people and most that get shot with a gun are inside 50 yards..........the rest sit and watch you gut:)

I would head down there and like randy said, you can see a lot from the tower. You really need to walk the entire river though from the highway to the lake.......main travel route to Horse Butte.
I did not end up getting one. Should have shot one opening morning, but wasn't prepared for the hunt. No one to blame but myself. Had a group of cows and calves at 30 yards the last week of the season but was waiting on a slob of a hunter to come finish off the cow he wounded in the head. Didn't want to shoot another one and risk pushing them into the Park where he wouldn't be able to recover the cow. He finally caught up to me, I pointed out his cow, and he proceeded to nearly shoot me while finishing off his bison, which was conveniently located in the middle of the group. After the smoke settled, I noticed a blood trail heading towards the Park (his bison was laying on the ground in front of me). The rest of the morning was spent talking to the warden and sitting on the Park line waiting to see if the newly wounded animal(s) would come back out. I quit "hunting" that morning.
That seems like a terible ending to a great tag...
some people just have no clue about life in general or hunting ethics....
I changed my hunting style.after a friend and I hunted this great swamp for whitetails back east. We headed in very early one sat .morning with hip boots and pistols on are sides.we sat almost back to back to cover the deer runs . Well when the sun came up ...all we could see were ORANGE PUMKIN SUITS all the way around the pot hole we were in ...thank god there was no deer in it with us ...I think about that morning everytime i see a parking area full of trucks..
I started hunting away from all the crowd ...It was the best move I ever made...I think that was about 27 or 28 years ago.
We are lucky to live out here in Montana and enjoy the.vast and amazing country.

Sure hope when it comes down to the end of my hunt its not like yours or I will be chewing some guys butt...

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