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Minnesota 2020 Season


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2018
Apple Valley, MN
Well, it's official. Just paid for my Minnesota Spring Turkey permit. I'm starting this journal even earlier than last year so that I can capture some of my new adventure into turkey hunting. This will be my third season keeping this journal. I've found it pretty helpful to look back on after the season and remember what I was doing and thinking at the various points in time. My thread from last two years are below for reference:

I haven't hunted turkeys in probably 15 years, and never in MN so this season certainly be a learning experience to say the least! It will start on April 15 and run through the end of May. Minnesota splits their seasons out into several different periods for gun hunters. Those using archery tackle are not limited to one season and can hunt the entire time. I've elected to use archery tackle this season to allow myself more time to hunt.

Besides getting into turkey hunting, the other big new thing for me this year is I have switched to shooting left handed. I've always known that my left eye was dominant, and simply closed that one when aiming shooting right handed. However, I have an astigmatism in my right eye so my vision is not quite as crisp. This is especially apparent in low light when looking through a peep. I've been shooting LH for about a month now and the results are impressive. I'm a little bummed I didn't make the switch sooner! The biggest advantage is I can keep both eyes open throughout the shot sequence so I can track the arrow much better in flight. I'm getting more and more comfortable shooting lefty each day and am very excited to hit the woods!

Thanks for following along!
Finally got out into the turkey woods this morning. My plan was to check out a few pieces of land I’d never been to, hoping for turkeys and also doing some spring deer scouting. I arrived right around daybreak and set off up the trail, stopping to call every so often.

I’m not sure anything beats spring in the woods. Other than the songbirds chirping and a male grouse drumming somewhere up ahead, it didn’t take long for my ear to catch the sound of a Tom gobbling in the distance. I couldn’t pinpoint it exactly, but it was quite distant from me. I continued along the trail that would swing out into a field, thinking that might put me closer. Upon reaching the field it became apparent that turkey was on private, and still a long ways away. That turkey was safe.

I continued along the loop, veering off every so often to do some calling and follow some deer trails. I ended up pushing 8 deer out without finding much for turkeys.

Arriving back at my car I decided to check out another small piece of property just down the road. I was greeted by a hen in the ditch pecking away when I pulled in. After confirming she was alone, I made my way up the hill into the trees. I didn’t strike up any turkeys, but did find some really good deer sign and even kicked up a woodcock for my troubles. That thing scared the crap out of me, but was really cool to see! My morning ended without much for birds but got some good scouting in and got to enjoy the spring.
Looking forward to following along this year again!

The biggest advantage is I can keep both eyes open throughout the shot sequence so I can track the arrow much better in flight.

What is the advantage of watching the arrow in flight? I watch the animal to see its reaction to the twang and the arrow impact.
I think it helps me with the follow through. I can shoot with both eyes open and see more than just through the peep. I don’t have to pull off the shot and try to reacquire the target. It has certainly improved accuracy, that’s for sure!
Got back into the turkey woods yesterday at another 'new to me' property. I arrived just after daybreak and it was dead silent - not a tom to be heard! I took my time working around the property, about 160 acres, stopping every so often to listen. What this place lacked for turkeys it made up for in pheasants. Roosters were cackling around me from every which way, and that was pretty cool. I ended up seeing 4 deer on this piece and marked a spot that had some good sign from last season. On my way back to my car I flushed a hen and rooster pheasant from a windrow and that was a cool up close and personal experience.

I had planned to stop by another property on my way back to the Cities. I arrived at the parking lot to find two other hunters already there. That piece was much larger, but not wanting to ruin their hunt I opted to take a short hike into the property to see what I could see. This place was thick with undergrowth and planted pines, but thin on birds. I made it to the back of the property on the linear trail and turned back around to head home.

It has become apparent over these last two hunts that I am a terrible turkey hunter! But, it's been nice to get out and enjoy the woods again and scout for deer. I've got a few more spots in mind that I'd like to check out, so we will see what next weekend brings.
Turkey season ended with a whimper for me. Work started ramping up for reopening with the relaxed COVID rules and took up most of my time. It was a highly unsuccessful season, but I did manage to check out a couple new properties and lay down some new waypoints on OnX for the fall.

The first 3D shoot is scheduled to take place in 2 weeks and I'm hopeful to participate in that. I'll also be dedicating a large portion of my time to really dialing in with my recurve this summer. I had set out last year with the same goal of hunting with it and I just never felt comfortable enough with it to take it to the woods. Hopefully this will be the year!
The first 3D event of the year is this coming weekend and I'm excited for it! My parents are coming to visit this weekend and Dad and I will be shooting it together, which is something we haven't done in quite a long time. Should be a really fun weekend of playing with bows and generally having fun with loved ones.

MBRB opened their registration for this fall recently and I've put in for my annual membership. They haven't posted any hunts yet, but I'm hopeful that the property I've hunted these last few years will be available. MN DNR also posted their 2020 elk season dates and tags, and I've again thrown my hat into that ring. They don't post total number of applicants anywhere so who knows what my odds are, but there are 44 total tags spread across 6 season dates. Who knows, perhaps this will be my year!
The 3D event this past weekend was a rousing success. It was the first time my Dad had shot 3D and he really enjoyed it! Numerous were the times that he said something to the affect of "this was such a great idea" or "this is so much different than I imagined". Needless to say, smiles abound! However, the mighty hangover I was enduring was not conducive to a great shooting and it's probably a good thing we elected not to keep score.

I've been shooting my recurve and compound almost daily and the new working from home normal is incredibly conducive to practicing. It's only been a month or so since I've really started with my recurve and I'm already feeling comfortable with my form and putting the arrows where I'm aiming at 10-13 yards which is a huge improvement over the previous summer already. My plan is to get into the woods this fall carrying it and I do believe I'm well on my way.

MBRB has started posting their hunts and I've started to collect the data for all they have available. I plan to get that application squared away soon and spend some time looking over some other pieces of property that I didn't get to see during turkey season.
Ah, the mighty hangover has ruined or at least made much more difficult many a day in the field and at the range. I’ve been guilty of it more than once when I was a bit younger.
This coming weekend is the next 3D shoot of the summer and I've got a serious dilemma. I've been practicing every day with my recurve and am very confident at 15 yards, working on 20. I will be hunting with it this fall! Additionally, I have a new sight on my compound this year that I'm still making very small adjustments on. My dilemma being, which to take on Saturday!? I'm leaning towards the compound as I will be taking a proficiency test for the park hunt soon and will need that sight as dialed in as I can get it. I'm thinking I'll do this shoot with the compound, then dedicate the remaining two to getting some 3D experience with the recurve. Decisions, decisions...
Shot the 3D event at South Forty Archers this morning with my compound, and posted a 355 on 45 targets for a 7.88 average. I had some really great shots, but one clean miss drug me down under the average vitals score of 8. It was warm, mosquito-y, but a darn good time!

I started shooting solo but ended up pairing with another shooter on the back half. Turns out he and I hunt some of the same public around the south metro area. It was fun meeting a new person and working through the “back nine”!
Put in for another random drawn hunt locally this morning. I was fortunate enough to draw this property last year for the first time and spent some decent time there. If I am lucky again this year I'll have a much better idea of the area this time around!

I started shooting some broadheads (zwickey eskilites) out of my recurve yesterday and took this morning to re-touch some of the edges. I realized that I have been spending the overwhelming majority of my time shooting at ground level. As a predominantly tree stand hunter, I decided I'd need to understand the sight picture from above to have any chance of success. I plopped my target down at about 15 yards and took to my deck to see what happens. While the sight picture was certainly a little different I was pleased to see my daily practice continuing to pay off.


Finally got a chance to scout a few pieces of property this weekend. The first I hadn't been to in quite a few years. It's long, narrow, and has a creek / river running right down the middle. I knew Trout Unlimited had been doing some work in the area, and man have they gotten after it in there! What used to be a heavily wooded area was mostly cleared out except the hardwoods, resulting in a nice path along the river to walk and fish. The place was completely devoid of deer sign, but I'm thinking it might be good in a few years once the understory thickens back up again. Crossing that spot off my list of potentials.

Next up I drove to a spot that is mostly CRP type cover bordering some ag acreage. I was mostly interested in what was planted around the property and was pleased to see a mix of soy beans and corn. If I can figure out how to hunt this piece I think it has some potential!
Put in for my final MN deer draw today, and now the waiting game begins. I'm officially in for 3 drawn hunt opportunities and have hunted all of them in the past, but never in the same year. The final step is to take my shooting proficiency test and I'll be off and running. Hopefully the draws are kind to me this year and I'll have some unique opportunities this fall!

I've got the final 3D event of the summer coming up this weekend and plan to take my recurve for some final tuneup on life size targets. We're in the home stretch before the season, and I can definitely feel the excitement starting to ramp up.
Scheduled and shot my MBRB proficiency test for this afternooon, well ahead of the deadline. With the pandemic this year, they are moving the meetings to online platforms and I wanted to make sure I gave myself plenty of time with all the new changes and inevitable challenges.

The test went well, and although I just barely missed sharpshooter, the regular qualification is all I need for my first and second choice of hunts.


Tomorrow is the last 3D shoot of the year that I'll be able to attend, and this one is sponsored by our local BHA chapter. I plan to get out there mid-morning tomorrow and am taking my recurve. It will be a much different sight picture shooting foam coming from the bag in my back yard. Hot, muggy, and buggy but sure to be a really good time!
Got to the 3D range on Saturday and boy was that place packed! I've never pulled up and not been able to find a parking spot in the little lot they have. BHA really drew the crowd this weekend and it was wonderful to see! They had some fantastic raffle items and just a great overall atmosphere.

I took my recurve and while I didn't shoot from the stake every time, there were still some challenging shots! My maximum effective range is somewhere in the 15-18 yard mark so I generally stepped up to be able to shoot those closer, random distances. I ended up shooting a 271 on 39 targets, for a 6.94 average. I found that shots on deer or similar size targets were pretty good, but anything smaller (fish, javalina, coyote, etc.) were a little troublesome. Overall I am super happy with how things went and only wish there was another event being held prior to the season!

I didn't take too many pics, but this one was of my favorite series of targets on the day. Three shots from a tower, left is a baboon, middle is a deer, and right is a sheep with a log covering low. The sheep shot felt really good and impacted just a touch back!


Today was draw day for MBRB and I was fortunate enough to draw the park I’ve hunted the last two years! I’m #14, so I’m hoping I can get the same zone as last year but we will see. Either way, it’ll be a fun hunt!

Orientation is in early September so it’ll be a while before things get finalized.
Hopefully you'll be snacking on goose jerky in the stand! 😎😎

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