Militia takes over wildlife refuge headquarters

Thanks Oak, I was just getting to that.

Sportsmen join outcry to get thugs out of Malheur Refuge

Thank you BHA

The sportsmen's group Backcountry Hunters & Anglers urged cool, patient heads to prevail in the extremists' occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, valuable public lands fish and wildlife habitat located in Oregon.

"National wildlife refuges like Malheur are a treasure shared by all Americans," stated BHA President and CEO Land Tawney. "The actions being perpetrated by extremists in Oregon are the misguided actions of a fringe element - and should be condemned by sportsmen and all citizens in the strongest terms."

Oregon sportsmen were quick to decry the extremists' actions. "As sportsmen and conservationists, we urge the occupiers to end this fool's errand," said Brian Jennings, BHA's Oregon outreach coordinator, "and we urge the Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to keep their employees safe, be patient and thoroughly enforce the law."

The loosely organized group of extremists initiated an occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, near Burns, Oregon, over the weekend. They are led by out-of-state radicals including Ammon Bundy, son of anti-government extremist Cliven Bundy of Nevada

"The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge is a popular hunting area for waterfowl and upland gamebirds," stated Tawney. "It is one unit in a system of millions of acres of public lands on which American families depend for access to and opportunity in the great outdoors.

Tawney concluded: "In 2015, thousands of hunters and anglers gathered at state capitols across the West with a single, unified message: Keep public lands in public hands. This will remain our rallying cry in 2016. BHA remains dedicated to protecting those lands from abuse and keeping them in the hands of their owners, the American people."
During the government shutdown, people were told they would be ticketed/arrested for going on the Charles M. Russell Wildlife Refuge for trespassing... whether it was to hunt or watch wildlife. Law abiding citizens refused entry onto public lands--- now you have this circus in Oregon... highly frustrating seeing what seems like opposite ends of the spectrum by our government.
I'd aerial gun the bundy cattle if I were the decision maker....would be cheap and you'd get them all, fast.

I would start as the sun was coming up, and before Cliven and his dead beat sons were having a welfare breakfast, their cattle would all be taken care of.
TORT. I bet all those cattle would have some impressive pedigrees once dead...
Every CFR has "authority" from which it springs. It probably is the Taylor Grazing Act. I wasn't sure if that had been superseded by now. Maybe not.

I wonder if state private property abandonment statutes might allow some private citizen to go get them. BLM never gave me any sass for hauling garbage out that was left by target shooters (washing machines, fridges, cans, etc.). Hey, coyotes need to eat too, so there is always that. Surely there is some Kris Kyle wannabe out there who wants to hone his skill set. :D
In that case, I'd guess the TGA and it's admendments.

Since they haven't been fully gathered and processed for years, I'm betting there's plenty of cows/calves without brands running around out there. A guy could make buck. Branded one's might be a bit harder to sell if it's not your brand...:rolleyes:
So I just had live video running in the background on my computer while I was working....the Bundy crew heading out to tear down refuge fences to allow cattle to trespass.

Wingnut #1: "Look at the cattle, following us. They think they're being fed."

Wingnut #2: "They are being fed. They're being fed freedom!"
At this point, maybe a laugh is what we need <grin>

So I just had live video running in the background on my computer while I was working....the Bundy crew heading out to tear down refuge fences to allow cattle to trespass.

Wingnut #1: "Look at the cattle, following us. They think they're being fed."

Wingnut #2: "They are being fed. They're being fed freedom!"
This is a frustrating situation but every time it gets boring they do something else to heat the water in their own pot. Every day is like a new episode of Breaking Bad.
Maybe we should just wait and see what they do next.

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