Medicine bow forest game retrieval

I have not seen many in Wyoming but in Colorado I haveseen a bunch of Violators. They were sure more than 100 yards of a road.Not just ATV but even saw a jeep move some rocks blocking a trail and drive in. I reported it to the forest service employees that was in the area,they just said it happens all to often and they can't keepup with the problem. I guess they need stiffer penaltys.
Not argueing

No, 99% don't, or I wouldn't see illegal trails all over the place. I just don't buy the "its a few irresponsible riders" crap. That "one guy" must be one busy dude...

Keep those piles of chit on the road/trails where they belong...and grow a set big enough to pack an animal 100 yards and we'll be fine.

I thought that you meant you would damage a ATV, I am not trying to argue with you.
I don't like seeing ATVs off road either.
But they do have a use for us older guys, and on Roads that some of us wouldn't drive our Trucks on.
it took 2 of us 11 hours last year to pack my Bull out.

Nope, wouldn't damage anyones ATV, truck, etc. just turn them in.

However, I also wouldn't shed a tear for any clown that took an ATV off road illegally, and found out that a piece of styrofoam in the gas tank caused him some problems either.

I agree on the proper use and keeping them on the road with current OHV stickers, registration, etc. No problems at all.
Rio Grande NF in Colorado allows off trail game Retrieval in certain areas, and during certain hours. I was kind of shocked to see it on the map, last time I hunted there.
NMG&F book..unlawful to take OHV off existing 2track if hunting, fishing, trapping
(carrying said lic.person).
It is illegal to take vehicles more than 100 yrds off established roads in areas protected under Habitat Protection Act.Distance may vary in individual ranger districts.
You may drive off established roads on certain public lands (excluding state lands) and private land to retrieve legally taken big game carcasses-provided that state or Fed. regulations do not prohibit such use.
Private and leasee have different criteria.
Confused yet?
I know it's best to check local FS office as too restrictions when there.
I know different forests have different rules on OHV restrictions/closures here in NM,marked A,B,C....on Santa Fe Forest.
I heard game retreival was allowed on Valle Caldera.....
I'm gonna ask local BLM here ...and FS. Hard to tell what's legal here in NM.
I've seen ATV's a mile into a Wilderness in CA and UT. A-holes.......AZ has roads/trails everywhere on FS lands........
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Dont get me going on ATV's !!!! Last yr, on opening day of deer season in WY, we had a guy & gal drive their ATV off private land right past me at 75 yds. We had hiked in for miles. They drove by right at 1st light & chased all the deer out of the drainage that I was hunting. Then they drove over & chased all the deer out of the drainage my partner was hunting. They never got off the ATV. This happened for 2 days. After they finally left the area for good the deer started filtering back in. Maybe they were getting chased over from other drainages !
Here is a picture of my wifes elk that was pulled out with an ATV legally, it was farther than 100 yards from the road.


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Same here

Dont get me going on ATV's !!!! Last yr, on opening day of deer season in WY, we had a guy & gal drive their ATV off private land right past me at 75 yds. We had hiked in for miles. They drove by right at 1st light & chased all the deer out of the drainage that I was hunting. Then they drove over & chased all the deer out of the drainage my partner was hunting. They never got off the ATV. This happened for 2 days. After they finally left the area for good the deer started filtering back in. Maybe they were getting chased over from other drainages !

Same here, last year in Montana, the hunters hunting the Private Ranch below us, drove there ATVs up on BLM & State land I was hunting, trying to chase the Elk back down on the ranch.
It is frustrating for sure.

[QUOTEthe hunters hunting the Private Ranch below us, drove there ATVs up on BLM & State land I was hunting, trying to chase the Elk back down on the ranch.][/QUOTE] I would lose what little mind I have left if that were to happen to me, man I cant stand those things where they dont belong!.
No, 99% don't, or I wouldn't see illegal trails all over the place. I just don't buy the "its a few irresponsible riders" crap. That "one guy" must be one busy dude...

Keep those piles of chit on the road/trails where they belong...and grow a set big enough to pack an animal 100 yards and we'll be fine.

I agree with this 100%
I thought that you meant you would damage a ATV, I am not trying to argue with you.
I don't like seeing ATVs off road either.
But they do have a use for us older guys, and on Roads that some of us wouldn't drive our Trucks on.
it took 2 of us 11 hours last year to pack my Bull out.

If you're too old and decrepit to pack out your elk without an ATV to tear up the countryside
it's time to leave it for the younger guys. Either that or find some young guys to help pack out.
Remember that.

If you're too old and decrepit to pack out your elk without an ATV to tear up the countryside
it's time to leave it for the younger guys. Either that or find some young guys to help pack out.

Well when you get older remember that. and lets see if you still feel that way when you get older.

2 of us spent over 10 hours packing my Bull out last year, lets see if you can still do that at 62.
I can guarantee you I will never use one. Even at 82. I also know air is hard to come by for ATV tires off designated roads here in Montana. Must have been a bitch for those guys. mtmuley
Found the link to ATV rules in medicine now NF. It does say 300 ft off a road for camping and some other activities except for Pole Mt which is only 100 ft. I will probably haul my ATV to Wyoming this year but it will be parked on the side of the road. I just find it quicker to travel on ATV in some places than a truck to get to where I want to go.
I have thought about buying a ATV but just can't justify the cost compared
to how much I would use it.
When I used to Ice fish here in Michigan I could of used one but can't really find a use for it in my hunting.Most anywhere I can legally drive one ,I can take my truck.
Well when you get older remember that. and lets see if you still feel that way when you get older.

2 of us spent over 10 hours packing my Bull out last year, lets see if you can still do that at 62.

I will never want to change the rules to suit me because I get older and cant hunt the same places I do now. Its part of the deal, and goes with the territory known as life.

Being old is not an excuse to tear stuff up, justify off-road use, or open roads for you. Quit trying to be an exception and leave something for the next generation of hunter.

BTW, I hunt with 3 guys from 72-76 that all pack elk out of the wilderness area we all like to up, you're a pup at 62 compared to these guys.

Not trying too.

I will never want to change the rules to suit me because I get older and cant hunt the same places I do now. Its part of the deal, and goes with the territory known as life.

Being old is not an excuse to tear stuff up, justify off-road use, or open roads for you. Quit trying to be an exception and leave something for the next generation of hunter.

BTW, I hunt with 3 guys from 72-76 that all pack elk out of the wilderness area we all like to up, you're a pup at 62 compared to these guys.


I am not trying to change rules, ATVs have a place, if used legally, Most of the damage being done isn't by hunters, IMO. it is mostly done by younger people out trail riding where they shouldn't be. in the summer time.
In the area that I hunt, there are at-least 4 roads that I can think of that are open to vehicle use. and after driving 1,700 miles to get out west to hunt, there is to way in heck that I would try to drive my $45,000.00 Truck on them and take a chance on tearing it up. as others have said, that is where having a ATV is nice.
one of my favorite spots to hunt is a 12 mile ride in on a ATV trail.

The way you group all ATV users together as law breakers, that is about like saying all hunters are poacher, just because there are a few that do.
Wow! If I could only be so lucky to be elk hunting at the age of 76. Good for your friends.

I agree, ATV's have their place...on legal roads and nowhere else except the back of a truck or on a trailer.

I think you're blind if you believe that its only a handful of people break off-road rules with ATV's...if that was the case, I wouldn't have to spend several days a year posting and restoring areas that have illegal use going on. I also wouldn't likely see it nearly every day I spend time in the woods.

Also, the same can be said of poaching, its not a few guys out there looking for meat. There are various reports, documents, etc. that have been posted here on hunttalk that claim the illegal taking of wildlife may be equal to, or even exceed, the legal take.

I believe the ATV issue may be real similar...its not just a few bad apples.
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