Meat Safe To Eat?


Apr 25, 2017
Tag one notched! Some of her stomach contents/ poop got swirled around a bit during field dressing. What do y’all do when this happens? Is it as easy as giving it a rinse with water? Anyone use soap? Or is it best to throw out what you think it touched? Thanks!
I rinse it with water and fillet a 1/4 inch of that layer of meat off of that quarter. Probably overkill, but makes me feel better.
Clean it off as well as you can. Silver skin removal should remove contamination but top layer of meat wouldn't hurt for peace of mind.
Wipe it down with water,then thoroughly again before cooking.I,m a master at gutshots.:cool:
Extra seasoning, it wont kill you. Hell, I've even watched Cushman get it blown directly into his mouth from the guts of a elk, he just smiled, then kept working, no harm done. It didn't kill him, but then again neither did the bullets and that I wouldn't recommend....
Extra seasoning, it wont kill you. Hell, I've even watched Cushman get it blown directly into his mouth from the guts of a elk, he just smiled, then kept working, no harm done. It didn't kill him, but then again neither did the bullets and that I wouldn't recommend....

ahhhhhh...he's got jokes this morning :W:
Should be just fine. The only thing that could get sketchy is the tenderloins, but that's only if they last long enough to sit around a bit. Usually mine don't make it for more than about 6 hours.
Cut a tiny slit in the bladder and carefully squeeze and aim the contents at the affected area, that should help rinse the undesirables off the meat.

On a serious note, that is why I don't take tenderloin from animals I didn't field dress.
Shouldn't be a problem, I'd just rinse it well. If it's on one of the quarters you can let those dry age and that will form a rind. Cut that rind off and you'll be good.
The trouble with rinsing is it spreads any contamination (E. coli?) around, use paper towel and wipe out as much as you can and cut away any contaminated meat, job done.
I've had it happen a couple of times as well. I trimmed off the outside that was affected after it dried off, and had no issues. Congrats on getting some meat in the freezer.
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