Caribou Gear Tarp

Made in the USA


New member
Aug 6, 2010
This is to those that reside in the USA. Thought I would just throw this out there for comment. I notice a lot of talk about Sako's, Tikka's, Browning, Vortex, Nikon, etc.

Do you try and buy American as much as you can, or do you spend the money on what you think is the best no matter where it is made? Not to detail it down to every little part on the product if something it contains might be made elsewhere, I'm talking the majority of the item itself.

In my own opinion and views I try and keep things local, even if I have to pay a little more, at least I know that I'm somewhat making an effort in trying to keep this country going and hopefully another american citizen with a job. If there is a local shop in town I try to go through them first, then regional, statewide, and US. Usually I can find what I need. This country has made some good rifles, scopes, ammo, fishing gear, clothing, etc. Like with anything there have been ups and downs with bad decisions made at those companies, but that all helps on your item being more precious and unique if you got it before the fact, or after...(sorry for those that get it during :hump:).

Just curious if any others put much thought into this when purchasing, or if they just look at the item itself wherever it might be made.
There are quite a few things I boycott, Wal-Mart the most well known. That said, I buy the best available product, that I can afford. If it's a draw quality wise I buy American first everytime. If quality/performance goes to a foreign company, I will buy the product without hesitation.

I have yet to own an American vehicle that can compete with a Toyota.
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I buy American whenever I can, but must confess that seven of my rifles are built on Finnish Sako actions. All were manufactured between 1961 and 1972. I also have a couple Weatherby Mark Vs made by Sauer & Sohn of West Germany. I have a pair of pre-'64 Model 70s that Winchester made in the U.S. and have been restocked, one re-barreled. All my custom barrels are made in the U.S. by Douglas, Shilen, Ackley and Lilja. All my shotguns are Winchesters and Remingtons, again made in the U.S. My handguns are all U.S.-made by Ruger, Colt and Smith & Wesson.
There are quite a few things I boycott, Wal-Mart the most well known. That said, I buy the best available product, that I can afford. If it's a draw quality wise I buy American first everytime. If quality/performance goes to a foreign company, I will buy the product without hesitation.

I have yet to own an American vehicle that can compete with a Toyota.
Tell that to my friend that tried to pull one of our equipment trailers over the pass with his 5.7 tundra $4000 later and it moves again wo ho go Toyota.
I will try to buy American but sometimes its hard like fishing reels a quality shimano will beat any domestic made reel.
One example where I buy American is optics in my price range I am usually deciding between leupold and Nikon I say go with a quality leupold every time.
I try to do the best I can. I will avoid anything made in china or japan if possible. I don't avoid the European countries as much but still try to stay with made in the USA if possible. There are some thing that just aren't made in the US like computers and a lot of other electronics.I don't know that there are any US made laser rangefinders.

I have never, nor will I ever own a japanese made vehicle.
China yes, everywhere else not so much. It is impossible to live our daily lives without buying or using something made overseas. Unfortunate yes, but our economy would plummet otherwise because we can't bare the higher price tag. We have dug a hole to deep to climb back out of. I try and support the small retailers more than the big chains and buy US when I can, but the find print and continual company movement shows more products from Mexico that were once a US brand.
I try to, and it's really not that difficult, to reconcile quality with value. I'd bet most here who bit the bullet on Swaro or Leica would agree. Some prefer Remington, some Beretta but almost all buy the Beretta from an American Distributor. Lot's of made in USA labeled finished goods with foreign parts....

....right schmalts?.
I try to do the best I can. I will avoid anything made in china or japan if possible. I don't avoid the European countries as much but still try to stay with made in the USA if possible. There are some thing that just aren't made in the US like computers and a lot of other electronics.I don't know that there are any US made laser rangefinders.

I have never, nor will I ever own a japanese made vehicle.

Why the hate for Japan and China but perfectly fine with spending money on goods imported from Europe?
I try to, and it's really not that difficult, to reconcile quality with value. I'd bet most here who bit the bullet on Swaro or Leica would agree. Some prefer Remington, some Beretta but almost all buy the Beretta from an American Distributor. Lot's of made in USA labeled finished goods with foreign parts....

....right schmalts?.

Agree. Though now a days... Toyota is more American then Dodge! :confused:
Take for instance the Toyota Tundra? Engine and tranny built in U.S. AND assembled in good ole San Antonio, Texas... Go figure.

Subaru? Prob the most visible vehicle in Montana.. Japan though completely assembled in Lafayette, Indiana.

Interesting how many "foreign" vehicles are actually built and or assembled in the U.S.

My Dodge Ram 1500? Saltillo Truck Assembly in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico ~ Ugh... Never thought my Dodge truck was less American then my wife's subaru!

Interesting enough - Danner boots... mainly made outside the U.S. HOWEVER you can spend another $150 or so for the union surcharge made in U.S. Danners...
Sorry everyone.... just posted a reply for a different thread on this one by accident. Guess thats what you get when you have the OYOA website pulled up in multiple windows. My apologies! Buy American!!!
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I too try to buy American whenever possible and/or buy locally.

My opinion of the root causes that are destroying the American way in order of importance:

1. Labor Unions - Have driven labor cost thru the roof which in turn increase the cost of products.

2. Illegal Imigration - Has caused the price of health care to skyrocket which in turn has driven the cost of health insurance thru the roof, which employers & employees both foot the bill for.

3. Environmentalists - Have created zero common sense laws for political gain that severely drive the cost to produce "enviro friendly" products compared to traditional products.

I would have to write a book to describe the legitimacy of my claims but that's it in a nutshell.

If you really want to make a positive difference to fix the American economy, stand up and fight these three things.
1fastgambler arm wrestled jesus and beat him two out of 3 times. If you don't believe me just ask him...
Why the hate for Japan and China but perfectly fine with spending money on goods imported from Europe?

I wouldn't call it hate really, just extreme dislike, I really don't have too much stuff made in the European countries either. I just try to do the best I can to support my country.
I too try to buy American whenever possible and/or buy locally.

My opinion of the root causes that are destroying the American way in order of importance:

1. Labor Unions - Have driven labor cost thru the roof which in turn increase the cost of products.

2. Illegal Imigration - Has caused the price of health care to skyrocket which in turn has driven the cost of health insurance thru the roof, which employers & employees both foot the bill for.

3. Environmentalists - Have created zero common sense laws for political gain that severely drive the cost to produce "enviro friendly" products compared to traditional products.

I would have to write a book to describe the legitimacy of my claims but that's it in a nutshell.

If you really want to make a positive difference to fix the American economy, stand up and fight these three things. forgot lawyers, wolves, SFW, democrats, neocons, lobbyists, trolls, and televangelists.
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I too try to buy American whenever possible and/or buy locally.

My opinion of the root causes that are destroying the American way in order of importance:

1. Labor Unions - Have driven labor cost thru the roof which in turn increase the cost of products.

2. Illegal Imigration - Has caused the price of health care to skyrocket which in turn has driven the cost of health insurance thru the roof, which employers & employees both foot the bill for.

3. Environmentalists - Have created zero common sense laws for political gain that severely drive the cost to produce "enviro friendly" products compared to traditional products.

I would have to write a book to describe the legitimacy of my claims but that's it in a nutshell.

If you really want to make a positive difference to fix the American economy, stand up and fight these three things.

You forgot Obama.

Ted Nugent said on his show that it was Obama's fault that He killed a bear illegally in Alaska.
You forgot Obama.

Ted Nugent said on his show that it was Obama's fault that He killed a bear illegally in Alaska.
I caught some of that rant as well. I find it particularly funny that a guy convicted of wildlife infractions in 2 states within a 12mos span is speaking out on the inappropriateness of the Lacey Act. Then, after the commercial break makes sure to tell everyone that it is the hunter's responsiblility to know and follow all the rules/regs even if they don't agree with them and that it's their duty to know them and not that of the outfitter/guide. :rolleyes:
I caught some of that rant as well. I find it particularly funny that a guy convicted of wildlife infractions in 2 states within a 12mos span is speaking out on the inappropriateness of the Lacey Act. Then, after the commercial break makes sure to tell everyone that it is the hunter's responsiblility to know and follow all the rules/regs even if they don't agree with them and that it's their duty to know them and not that of the outfitter/guide. :rolleyes:

The Nuge is just retaliating for NoBama making all the minor illegals legit...because it's not their fault they got hauled to the US or were born here from illegal parents. :rolleyes:

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