Long time poacher busted in CO

Someone please let me know if I'm offbase here, but can it be that there's a certain weird, Robin Hood-type glamor in the poaching lifestyle? Kinda like, "I'm such an exceptional, trophy-only -hunter that I reward myself by hunting out of season AND without a tag. Everyone else are losers."
It's so out of the realm of my way of thinking that I can't imagine what sort thought processes are involved in convincing someone that it's OK.
Moosie, Poaching and a violent crime are not apples to apples like you said, but to entertain you i will answer. In my mind if someone i knew molested a child, I say lock him up for good, and also that i would drop all ties with him because that person is ill in the head big time and cannot be fixed. So if you Raped Hoser against his will one night, i would think different of you big timehump .:D
Violent crime are a different type of act than other crimes to me and deserves a harsh, maybe even cruel punishment. JMO since you asked.
Poaching is thing that upsets many on these boards because hunting is our passion, and i understand the anger against DK for sure because i feel the same way when i hear this stuff.
Someone please let me know if I'm offbase here, but can it be that there's a certain weird, Robin Hood-type glamor in the poaching lifestyle? Kinda like, "I'm such an exceptional, trophy-only -hunter that I reward myself by hunting out of season AND without a tag. Everyone else are losers."
It's so out of the realm of my way of thinking that I can't imagine what sort thought processes are involved in convincing someone that it's OK.

I am not following you on that one.:confused:
Someone please let me know if I'm offbase here, but can it be that there's a certain weird, Robin Hood-type glamor in the poaching lifestyle? Kinda like, "I'm such an exceptional, trophy-only -hunter that I reward myself by hunting out of season AND without a tag. Everyone else are losers."

I think that it is driven by a couple of things. 1) ego 2) a lot of these guys like deerking and other have a monetary stake in trophy hunting. You combine money and ego with opportunity and means and you get poaching.

I think that it is driven by a couple of things. 1) ego 2) a lot of these guys like deerking and other have a monetary stake in trophy hunting. You combine money and ego with opportunity and means and you get poaching.


I'd agree with that appraisal.
Im curious as to how many innocent people enter a guilty plea because they are scared of what might happen if they dont accept the "deal".
prosecutors should not be able to negotiate guilty plea's by offering lesser charges.
Prosecutors don't make initial offers. Defense Attorneys make offers and and try and get acceptance.
Sorry, I have a tendency to approach complex rationalizations with generalised questions... my fault for being vauge.
What I was trying to ask was: HOW does anyone allow themselves to hunt trophy bucks after the season is closed without a tag, leaving one of them to rot? WHAT allows someone to do something like that?
I think Nemont has given me some clues. (I still can't reason it out, though.)
Dave, you see it happen a lot in the past. Guys get wrapped up in it all and love the glory they get from it. Pretty soon you see a post on MM that sounds something like this " So it's the middle of Septemeber so i guess we should be seeing pictures of ________ with this years hog!" And it just snow balls.
Good thing I dont have to worry about it, the only way i impress guys like Miller is when i say i shot an 8 pointer, and he thinks it was an 8X8 because he counts points like a sheep lover;) Then you have Joser, who shoots nothing at all, so we can assume he is safe from temptation.
Interesting views by all you senior posters. I really don't have much respect for poachers. However, if it was a family member or a good friend, i can see how one's views might sway a little.
I refuse to crucify Mr. Coldwell. Beyond the internet I only know him from a few E-mails, but he always seemed like a decent guy. I have seen a few cases where the facts were way different than the public story. Maybe he is as bad as this story makes him out to be, but I doubt it.
Lets try this,,,make it your true feelings

If any of these people poached... do some get a pass? some get crucified?
Id bug.
Seems strange to me that people get so worked up over the illegal killing of wildlife and yet we lose american lives nearly everyday in the middle east, but nary a mention of that. So how far removed are some of you from the PETA train of though that a boy is a dog...
We lose even more human lives on the freeways every day -makes the Middle East look like a Girl Scout meeting.
Illegal killing of wildlife is THEFT. We don't coddle theives and call the cops and cry like a schoolgirl. We take care of the situation and refuse to tolerate it. If we don't, we might as well quit this hunting conservation thing and all become poachers. Say goodby to wildlife.
I guess the problem is trying to separate your emotional attachment from the "crime"..... you hear friends and relatives defending murderers all the time, they just can`t believe little "jeffery' is a serial killer....because he was always nice to them.

But the poaching issue can have many variables..???
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