Long time poacher busted in CO

Jeff is an outright poacher and game theif stealing from other law abiding sportsmen and the citizens of Colorado. He was doing it over a long period of time and I doubt very much they found out everything he's been doing in his poaching career. There's no defending a guy like that, no matter if you think he's a great guy. You think a great guy steals trophy hunting opportunities from his friends? Did you consider how much the investigation cost the CO. Div. of Wildlife that could have been spent on something more beneficial to hunters and fishermen?

I think they should have revoked his hunting license privileges for 100 years. This disgusting liar and theif will be able to start legally hunting again when he's 63 years old.
Funny thing is, what's to stop him from hunting without a license this year, and every year for the next 20 years? And what about his business of selling "scouting reports" to other hunters? Will he still be able to do this legally? Probably. He could even guide other hunters, and maybe even "help" shoot their deer for them.
The poacher in the Challis Idaho area who just recently got busted, can't set foot on public land for the next 3 years, or 5 years, I can't remember exactly, but that is a fitting punishment that maybe "Deerking" should have also received. It would make it rather difficult for him to profit from his scouting and selling maps and reports of good hunting areas to other hunters. I don't think a poacher like him should be allowed to profit from public wildlife.
Ithaca, no one here is defending what he did, at least I am not for one thing. But i will say i am not going to go on hating him for the rest of his life for what he did if i feel that he has turned a new leaf. If i didnt feel he has turned a new leaf, i would feel as you do.
Quote "He was doing it over a long period of time and I doubt very much they found out everything he's been doing in his poaching career"
He came clean on things that they maybe would not have found out about from years past, so maybe, just maybe he told them everything. It is possible there was nothing else.
Hell, Jose is a Moron now, but maybe when he was Elkgunner he was a better man... well maybe not:rolleyes:
I think the issue is bigger then Deerking or the Guy from Challis. Here a couple of guys who stake their reputation on big mule deer. Year round they were either taking pics of, scouting for, hunting and killing above average Mule Deer bucks. Then it is found out that both were not who they said they were. Sort of like Kirt Darner.

Now whenever I see a guy consistantly killing huge mule deer bucks and bragging about it I am immediately wondering if the guy is a poacher.

I think there is a deep seated problem with hunting for trophy deer in order to feed ones ego. It makes people do things that are just plain stupid.

It is unfortunate that Deerking decided that he had to break the law in order to keep up appearances. I think it is just the tip of the iceberg for people that pursue trophy Mule Deer only for their own ego and not for the total experience of hunting them in wild places.

Can you imagine losing one thing you are passionate about in life for the next 20 years? No mule deer antlers are worth that.

Nemont's right. How many times have we seen someone who's built a reputation for taking exceptional trophies every year eventually get busted for poaching?

Remember Noel Feather, famous whitetail hunter? Who can remember any other famous frauds? There was a Idaho bowhunter from Soda Springs who became famous about twenty years ago for taking big mulies who turned out to be a poacher. Can't remember his name.
I think it was Calvin Coziah or something similar to that Ithaca. I got his book a few years back and thought it was way cool and couldn't figure out why I'd never heard more about him...then I did hear more about him and it was having to do with poaching.
Sorry but I have to agree with ithaca on this one. and I am curious about some of your replies.

how are some of you guys going to treat the next poacher.... someone knew him and I am sure he had friends, are you going to say throw the book at him or are you going to say the same thing you said to jeff.

nice guy or not, with some of your comments on other poaching threads the guy should be hung, but since you know this person and he has helped out a few its not as bad.... Think about this the next time a poaching case gets posted before you type your reply.
Let's change the Situation. (......EDIT......., BAD EXAMPLE)

I won't speak for others but I know more the DK that have pushed some envelopes. several guys here on the board. I've noticed not to many of them posting on this subject... ;) But really, I like DK, He Screwed up, it doesn't sound like it was a mistake, they gave him a sentence, and We're moving on. We as in him and me. Thats how I look at it. I don't blam others for being mad, I'm just saying how I feel.

I have heard that they could easily double and probably tripple the tags if people didn't poach. With things I know, I believe it. I'm sticking with I know the problems associated with poaching.......and to me, I'm OK posing with my 3 point or small 4 point, yet once again, but do it every year. :D :D
It is funny to see what Schmaltz tries to rationalize today, despite the fact the guy plead guilty to 3 charges, accepted a pretty hefty fine, gave up a gun, and agreed to 3 years of probation, and then, went and had the DOW take his license for 20 years. The only logical reason a person would agree to that penalty was if they felt there was some risk to losing more, either thru stronger sentences OR additional charges.

I dont think there was anything more that was hidden because of a plea.

If there was a lot more that was being kept hush because of a plea, there would be a lot more things that would have been confiscated.

Had more violations been plead, they would have in no way left him in possesion of any of those other animals.

I am not sticking up for him, just telling that i think the "Hushed up plea bargain" stuff is not true at all because of what i have seen myself and thought i would share that info to avoid any more rumors. \.

Now, let's compare Schmaltz' comments today with those he made last August.... http://www.hunttalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=27966

You would have everyone thinking he was some career poacher. Hmmm, i know the facts, and if it was as bad as you try to make it sound why would the F&G only revoke one years hunting? But then i shouldnt say anything, you know it all.
Based on the August comments, Schmaltz "knew the facts" and knew he was not a "career poacher" based upon the DOW only giving a revocation of "one years hunting".
Now that we know DOW revoked the license for 20 years, do we assume Schmaltz only knew 1/20th of the violations????
Would someone please explain who this guy is? whats his hunttalk handle? Has Buzz/Moosie/ Schmalts/Oak ever hunted with this guy?

Sorry, but its really hard for me to find any sympathy for a poacher.. thats the part of some of posts thats bothersome,
Deerking is his Handle. He posts or did post in the hunting sections of this site, maybe thats why you missed his posts ;)

Several of us know him, several have hunted with him. Personally I only know him from posting, Emails and phone conversations.

He has run, and still runs Antlerquest, a hunt scouting operation. It is my understanding that they found nothing wrong in that operation. If I'm miss-speaking someone please correct me... ?
Oscar I wasnt meaning you on my post, as you dont get on the hang em high bandwagon about poachers.

There are a few on here and MM that want to throw the book at poachers until its one of there buddies then its ok to poach and he is a good guy, he made a mistake etc.

I find that hypocriticle(sp) thats why I made the comments I did.

Would someone please explain who this guy is? whats his hunttalk handle? Has Buzz/Moosie/ Schmalts/Oak ever hunted with this guy?

Met him a couple times in person, conversed with him a lot, never have hunted with him.
whoever asked what will we (as in me) do when the next guy gets caught poaching? Throw the book at him is what i say. I dont think DK should get any different a sentence than anyone else dont get me wrong. But i am not going to talk trash about him in other ways other than a hunter because i do know him and besides the fact that he really did something terrible, I still like him as a friend regardless of his sentence. Douchbags like Hoser cannot seem to understand that.
Let's change the Situation. (......EDIT......., BAD EXAMPLE)

I was gonig to ask what peoples thoughts would be if someone they knew and liked was guilty of Child molesting ? Would you look at it like like they're OK because they got a sentence and such ? I know it's not apples to apples but I'm curious how people would react if their friend got busted for that ?

besides the fact that he really did something terrible, I still like him as a friend regardless of his sentence.

Schmalts, I'm not picking on you, because I think the same way as You when it comes to DK, but would you look at it the same in other situations ? or jsut because it was a couple critters ? Although you let your kids read Playboy so I'm not sure I should be asking you .. ;) ;)

Anyway, something to think about.................
Now I remember "deerking"... I once turned in a nephew that poached 2 geese out of season.... he was a 14 year old kid...I still hunted with him afterword but he knew Uncle CJ wouldn`t put up with that crap....But A child molester... tough question Moosie... I think I would ban those kind from my life... maybe even take them out [if it was my kid.]
With poachers, you take away their right to hunt and fish, with child molesters you take away their right to breath.....at least in my opinion thats what they should do.
Im curious as to how many innocent people enter a guilty plea because they are scared of what might happen if they dont accept the "deal".
prosecutors should not be able to negotiate guilty plea's by offering lesser charges.
Im not confident that he is guilty of anything.

It all began with a hunch.
red flag!
I was gonig to ask what peoples thoughts would be if someone they knew and liked was guilty of Child molesting ? Would you look at it like like they're OK because they got a sentence and such ? I know it's not apples to apples but I'm curious how people would react if their friend got busted for that ?

Anyway, something to think about.................

I would be the first friend to put a bullet in there head ;) same goes for rape. or any harm to any kids

a better example might be
what would you do if a friend was caught stealing from cars/ trucks house's etc.
I wouldn't put a bullet in their head but they would never call me talk to me or come to my house again.
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