Litter amongst us.

People used to dump tons of trash in the ditches all around our farm. One time when I was a kid someone dumped 10-15 bags of trash off at one of our field entrances, my dad sifted through some of it, found some mail and we loaded it up and returned it to their yard in town. Guy called the sheriff, sheriff said best he could figure is we were returning lost property. Somehow the bags managed to get all torn in the shuffling around.
The worst place I've ever been was Four Corners area of New Mexico a few weeks ago. My blood was boiling at the HUNDREDS & HUNDREDS of beer cans on the side of the roads. Not a water bottle or soda can to be seen. ALL BEER CANS!

I've never seen anything so ridiculous in my life!

My best guess is there's not much to do there at nights and on weekends so they drive dirt roads and drink but don't want to be caught with empties.

Not much I hate more than littering and drunk driving.
And take a look at the drunk driving laws (LAX!!) and the drunk driving fatalities in New Mexico. The shoulders of most rural roads and highways are littered with Bud Light cans, and empty likker bottles.
I hunted unit 77 in Colorado and as I expected I had to clean up our camp site when we got there. The nice Lady at the San Juan National forest told me they had a lot of use this year and trash being left.
Yes I carried out extra trash and picked up a lot of TP. I shoveled out the fire pit took cans and bottles out as well as tin foil.
If I would of had more free time I would of cleaned up more.
Some people are just Stupid and you can't fix Stupid.
Sucks. I found a giant pile of poo in the trail one day. It was obvious no one could pack that thing around for long but the guy couldn't get off the trail a ways? So ridiculous.

So annoying seeing trash everywhere.
And here in California the granola crunchers got some of the wilderness areas shut down to horses because the horses were pooping on the trails. Makes no sense why someone would do that.
Most people are respectful of land except November in Montana. It brings out the animals every year I just hope it’s over. We are almost there.
It is bad. But have you guys ever driven in Mexico? Some cities look like a dump. Literally and that’s in the city and out of the city. Note: Not a racist remark. My Mexican friends don’t litter.
I don't know if it's because we've been discussing it more here on HT, but I've definitely noticed more TP in the woods this year.
Feels to me like it's been worse this year. Obviously more people recreating outdoors, no doubt.

That's definitely true. In my neck of the woods, every weekend this summer was like the fourth of July. This fall has continued to be bonkers.

In August, my wife and I went camping in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. There was no outhouse, so you had to dig a hole to go to the bathroom, at least in theory. If you stepped into the woods outside the campsite, in literally any direction, it was a minefield of human waste.
It is bad. But have you guys ever driven in Mexico? Some cities look like a dump. Literally and that’s in the city and out of the city. Note: Not a racist remark. My Mexican friends don’t litter.
My parents went to Israel last year and they said that the Palestinian areas were the same way, just garbage everywhere.
TP is the least of my worries honestly, I came across a pile today actually. That stuff breaks down pretty fast. I'll admit that I don't bury my mess because I don't carry a shovel with me in the woods and our soil is pretty rocky. I don't just leave it blowing in the wind though, I'll at least cover it with a big rock or log. I don't do much backcountry stuff, so it's pretty rare that I'm doing my business in the woods anyways.

I was actually doing a stream clean-up for the local TU chapter last weekend, it is amazing how many slobs there are out there. What really got me is the landowners themselves! Within a mile of stream I came across two houses which were the source of 90% of the trash. This was a fairly suburban area, yet for some reason these people continue to burn their trash. The problem is that they just throw it loose into a firepit where it blows all over the place, they must only burn it once a week or less. I even pulled a pop-up hunting blind out of the stream that must have blown away from wherever it was set up.
Long, long, long ago I was like a cat and did what they expected of me.

Somewhere along the line I decided, if some welfare rancher can let his black shit ball cows or range maggots shit in my streams and rivers I’m no longer gonna worry about burying my poop, I figure the TP can make nice squirrel nest. YMMV.

However, Always, and I mean always be careful in road type campgrounds and don’t step in the fully blooming “ White Stink Star Roses”
How about this found this beauty and the National Forest all ready had placed a sticker on it as abandoned.
After the snow melted trash all over Diapers and baby clothes and all other types of crap.


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I found a bunch of litter and this receipt last year. Texted picture to game warden. Not sure if anything happened but it has the culprits name and address on it so I couldn’t resist.
So one of my previous jobs was as a Park Ranger in the Front Range mountains of Colorado. One day I was checking some "designated" but dispersed campsites in the Roosevelt National Forest. They were free and first come first serve but had metal fire rings and were commonly trashed by people. While driving by one I saw fresh pine boughs piled high in the fire ring so I went in to look and underneath the branches were 2 huge bags of trash. This person not only left trash but went to extra efforts to conceal it. I threw them in the back of the truck and being so fed up with this kind of stuff I went through the bags later to ID the person, and I did. I found his name and address in Thornton, CO. A quick Google search also showed a lengthy criminal history for this guy in the local news. I forwarded the info to one of the Investigators for the County I worked for and he called me back and said that because the guy lived in another County that it would be difficult to charge him and they would have to involve another law enforcement agency and complicate things all for a littering ticket.

Well, I was furious that we had evidence and ID'd a suspect and nothing would happen, but it is what it is. Law enforcement agencies have more important issues such as unsolved missing persons cases etc., so if you don't catch these types of offenses in the act they will go unpunished unfortunately.
Sounds like a good excuse for a FedEx shipment! Imagine the look on his face opening that one! ;)
Sounds like a good excuse for a FedEx shipment! Imagine the look on his face opening that one! ;)
That thought, and worse, crossed my mind since I had his address. Ultimately I decided to be professional about it which was difficult.
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