Leaving Washington State


Well-known member
Sep 22, 2018
Idaho Panhandle
Next week I will be leaving my home state of Washington and I am starting a new chapter in my life over in Idaho. I have enjoyed hunting as a Non Resident in idaho off and on for the last few years and am looking forward to finally being able to hunt and fish the state as a resident. I understand that I will not be able to hunt or fish as a resident until I have lived there for 6 months and that is understandable. I might still be able to get in on a late season whitetail hunt or just hold off and see what next season has to offer.
Does Washington have a lifetime license? If so it might be worth getting before leaving.
Does Washington have a lifetime license? If so it might be worth getting before leaving.
I was not a big fan of hunting Washington. I usually saw everything but what was legal to shoot at. I liked going out of state better. I'd rather hunt the area I am moving to. A lot more activity, A lot more game. I hope the fishing is good too. Guess time will tell.
I was not a big fan of hunting Washington. I usually saw everything but what was legal to shoot at. I liked going out of state better. I'd rather hunt the area I am moving to. A lot more activity, A lot more game. I hope the fishing is good too. Guess time will tell.
I would sure like to do this move also, Washington is not the state that it used to be for the outdoors man for sure.
According to the wife I would need to move two kids and four grand kids with us...I agree with her and sure am trying to figure it out! You will have lots of good seasons!
A man after my own heart.

Born & have lived here in western Washington all my life aside from my military service. It's a total shame but western Washington is going the way of California. I fortunately am retired now and do spend much of my time in the eastern Washington mountains as well as the St. Joe river valley of Idaho. My goal is to move to Idaho as soon as I can but I have a son who is in his first year of college here and a wife who is about 4 years from retirement herself. I just wish it was sooner. Western Washington is not doing well these days for many reasons of which are not a discussion for this forum. Sad.

I do have to disagree with your hunting assessment of Washington though. I have had over 40 years of amazing hunting here in this state.

I am jeleous and wish you the best of luck sir.
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I spent far too many years of my adult life away from my homestate of MT for school and military. I couldn't wait to get back. I couldn't imagine having to leave because it home anymore. GL, you picked a good one in ID, I enjoy my time over there and really like their draw system over MT's.

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