PEAX Equipment

Last Week of Season, Weather GOOD! (MT)

Horn Seeker

New member
Dec 21, 2000
Billings, MT, USA
Dang, looks like these last 10 days of season are going to be Top Notch weather... Most of the mountains are calling for 12-40 inches of new snow in the next 3 days, with high temps dropping to single digits to teens for the next 7 days or so... I still have a buck and bull tag to fill... I guess now is the time time...

Good Luck for those that still have tags!
Good luck everyone, get out there and hunt! Keep us all posted on how you do. I'm still on the mend but thinking of sneaking out the last weekend.
You're not kidding.
Sitting in the office all week staring out the window at the mountains getting pounded with snow has been killing me. Starting Saturday I have 6-7 days to hunt out of the last nine
Should be lots of meat getting packed between my buddies and I.

I almost shot a 115 inchish whitey last weekend out of frustration, really glad I didn't now.
I've passed about 20 small bucks so far, had a little 4 point muley tempt me last Sunday... However, this week I have to actually kill something, I just hope it isn't too small... Unless its a bull...I dont care how small of a bull I kill!
was out last weekend... passed on a small 6pt basket... now I am in a distant state (work) kicking myself for not following that addage - never pass what you would shoot on the last. Bah, oh well...

Best of success HSeeker, Whip, Randy and those looking to get some good hunting in. Sounds like some great weather! 75 degrees here...
Some of my buddies have been gracious enough this week to keep a few of my honey holes warm while I've been stuck in town.



We have another five or six buck tags to try to notch, should be a blast.

Probably won't even try for elk unless I tag out early and can't find someone with a deer tag to take out.
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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