Labor Day elk anyone?

Big O

Aug 9, 2009
Spokane Washington
Curious how many of you guys are elk hunting come Labor Day?

I'll be hitting the woods for a long weekend. Used to do that hunt because we were just dying to chase elk again, with not alot of hope for success. Seems the last few Labor Days we've had more and more success. A few passed up cows, a missed 5 pt. and a bunch of close calls. We'll be in far western MT. Makes for some real long days, gets light real early and stays light late. How does everybody else fare on Labor Day hunts? Any good tips on hunting the middle of the day or do you find some shade and nap like us? Any body sit on water holes throughout the mid-day hrs? Found some good ones with alot of sign.

Good luck to those who go!
Not me, it is beers, babes and biknis on Labor Day.

I am still convinced, your best shot at a great bull in general areas is the first 5 days of the archery season. After that, it is just a gamble.
My wife and I will be sitting on a seep in an arid draw. Our first attempt together.Gonna place a camera the next 2 weeks in 2 different draws then hunt the better pics.
I won't be out Labor day, but just prior. Aug 29-Sept 1. 4 day bivouac hunt at around 10k elevation. Hopefully it won't be too hot.
I might be. I have an Eastern Plains tag that starts Sept 1st and the boys are saying the elk have been using the ranch pretty regularly. But in that area busting 100 degree's is normal that time of year. Probably hold off until the last week of Sept, first week of Oct when they're talking
It's a tradition with my son & I wouldn't miss it for the world, lord willing! A few have hit the dirt at that time too so it's not just a camping trip! (grin) Good Luck to ya!

I'm going to be hunting lowland agriculture. Trying to catch animals moving back and forth off the green stuff at first and last light.
Last year we got on a pretty good bull doing this, hopefully this year I can close the deal on one.
I'm with Dink on this one. The only 'calling' at this household is going to be " Hey sweetie ! Get me another beer" ?
I'll be heading out to Wyoming over the holiday weekend to meet my buddy and we'll head down to AZ 6A for the two week archery tag he drew from 9/9-9/22. Should be fun because it's suppose to be a great hunt in a great unit.
I drew a great NM archery elk tag that first season and can't wait! that first week can be a great time to find a vulnerable herd bull lookin for the ladies.
Will be in the CO Rockies the weekend before with a friend who's holding a deer archery tag. If I can find a little stream might try for some brookies, otherwise I'll be the camp cook. Labor Day we'll be at Steamboat trying to coax some rainbows and cuts into the boat.
I will be in Wyoming scouting, getting the lay of the land and finding a campsite for my Oct. hunt.
My son and I will be out then on a 4 day weekend bugling our hearts out. Hopefully a bull or two will answer back.
Ya can't miss out on a three day holiday weekend. Usually chasen elk if you can find them at first light, then all day. You Just have to stay on them! Get wind in your favor! Can't wait thougt to get out. Also a 9 day hunt planned in the heet of the rut towards the middle of the month. I have to chase antelope with my wife first though. Come on next Monday, 15th!
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