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Knocking On Doors In the Year of C-19?

Bugle 'Em In

Well-known member
Aug 13, 2011
Great State of Montana!
I was just wondering what everyone's thoughts are on knocking on doors, asking for access to private lands, in this year's C-19 reality? I'm not looking for arguments on C-19's severity or not, but rather your opinion on if knocking on doors will be accepted this year -or- if its a "no go". Both from the landowner's and from the sportsman's perspective.

I personally am hesitant simply b/c I don't want to offend an unfamiliar landowner who is trying to stay distant from exposure. IF I know the landowner, then I'd likely call. I'm more wondering on a random knock on the door, trying to gain access to new lands type of a scenario.

Curious to hear everyone’s response as well. Also curious to hear how they handle masks. For instance, would it be better to wear one initially or just knock and jump back 10 feet. I’ve been trying to find people’s phone numbers online but struck out a few times now.
This may be the time when writing a letter with a postage paid envelope is the best option. Explain why you have chosen to write versus stopping by in the letter and if they prefer to meet you in person you are willing to do so.
I think you’ll see a whole spectrum. Same as every other subset of society. Some will be offended if you show up with a mask. Some will be offended if you show up without. Some will be offended if you just show up.

This spring, some of the normally open BMAs were closed during turkey due to C19. Seemed like there were definitely some landowners who didn’t want to take any chances, period. I’m guessing there will be certain landowners that will not appreciate outsiders showing up at their homes. Watching this virus take off lately in some of these rural counties, I don’t blame them. Many are old, not in stellar health, and have crappy local health care.

Also, any imposed local quarantines for non-residents would make door-knocking a non-starter in a lot of cases.
Solid question. Just got back from backpacking in the Olympics and peoples reactions were varied. In places that social distancing wasn't feasible, I would simply pull a buff up around my face and call it good, more so because I don't want to hear about how I should be wearing a mask (it's just not worth the confrontation to me). Some people would struggle to dig their mask out in a panic. The highlight of the weekend was the group of people who walked past holding their hands in front of their nose/mouth and wouldn't make eye contact. My uncle summed it up pretty well with a statement to the effect of "everyone thinks they're a leper". Imagine going door to door you'd have reactions across a similar spectrum.
I've been putting together a bunch of phone numbers to try getting access for goose season around Billings. I don't think it's going to go well, since I live in Montana and don't have a 406 area code, but sometimes you just got to play the cards you're dealt.

Still trying to figure out exactly what the hell I'm going to say, because I imagine I'm going to be leaving a lot of voicemails...
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