Yeti GOBOX Collection

Katrina pics (Mississippi)


Well-known member
Apr 5, 2001
₵tral Oar-e-gun
Had these sent to me by the airport manager up in Bend, OR...pretty wild!




C'mon John don't shoot the messanger....this isn't the one thats fuggin up your fish fry! Half the guys I trade with in the morning are calling from satellite offices, must be pretty empty in Houston right now?
Yeah Marv, My Uncle is headed this way from Houston after he closes on a House, I think he was suppose to turn the lights off as he left Houston! I was going to have the Fish Fry earlier, but NOOOOO, the cater was in MS feeding the evacuees. Can't say enough good things about him! As soon as we get through plotting out booklets for Oil and Gas hearings I am letting everyone go to take care of last minute stuff. I called off the work day at the lease and called off the Fish Fry....but if the storm gets my electricty I am taking all that beer and moving into my motorhome, turn on the generator and getting snockered! Always have a plan!!!!!!!!!!!! John
Good plan John....just don't let "Beerlooter Man" hear about it or ya might have company! :D

Thought it was strange all the calls I was getting from Connecticut, Portland, Baltimore, etc., when I was trading (or at least trying to |oo ) yesterday- it was all the transplanted Houston guys who were shipped out to other offices to weather out the storm. Figures that the first one hits the offshore infrastructure and this one will likely clip the refining side....looks like triple digit fill-ups ($100+) are here to stay for awhile :(
I hate this e-mail deals......I received the same photos a couple months back and was told it was a nasty thunderstorm up in Canada....Sask I believe ?? :eek: :confused:

Wherever they were taken.....they are definitely awesome pics.......thanks for posting them...... :) researches all kinds of pictures and urban ledgends. these pictures were from another storm but still cool to look uncle has a picture of the hurricane that hit miami in 1999 hanging on his wall. it was taken by a person he knows who does something with the national weather service. someone emailed him a picture of katrina and he saw that it was the same picture that had been hanging on his wall for 5 years
The pictures are from a guy who chases tornados and the one above are from I believe Kansas and Nebraska this year and maybe last year. He sells DVD's with video of the storms. Sorry but I forgot the link to his website. I got the same email that said they were from Austraila.
Gotta love the internet....and just think, the guy directs air traffic :eek:
Hope he belives what's on his screens ;)

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