It's a Done Deal...We are Hitched

WH's OutdoorsChick

New member
Nov 14, 2003
Rochester, Washington
We got married on Friday and its a happy time.... I do love my WH Very Very Much and I am happy to spend the rest of my life with him..... so is this the first Marriage Hunttalk is responsible for???

My grandparents met us in Idaho and took all the we dont have any yet............

Its a great time........ :D :D :D
You guys find out who the Dad of your kid is yet ? ;)

LEmme be the First to give you guys the Kudos !!!! Post some Pictures !!
Congrats to you both!

But to answer your question-
so is this the first Marriage Hunttalk is responsible for???

I think that tuffinstuff and his beoootch squeezleim beat you guys by a couple of months.... ;) :D
Well let me say major congrats to you... :D:D:D

My oldest boy is "8" so I hope he's not getting Chicks Pregnant.

Thats not going to be good on this board if it comes out looking a little mexican...

Just don't post any pics in the SI section if that happens... :eek: :D
PPPBbbbttt!!!!!! Snort... heeeheee... snicker... ringer that was funny, and I would side with Moosie on this one.... Was Robert there??? :D:D:D
I can Hear the Wedding now....

"Washington hunter, Do you take OutdoorChick to be your Awfull wedded wife ?"

..... Later.......

"By the powers Vested in me by Bill Gates, and Al Gore who invented the Internet, I now pronounce you........"

I see Robert on the board now, I wonder if he will find the glee we are seeing at his demise... er... future... :D:D:D
You guys are SO Mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like Matt, leave him alone....

I love Robert Very Much and we are both pretty happy to be married to eachother!!!!!!!!!!!! I would think that sharing our good news would actually bring out the best in people..... I guess I was wrong.......Moosie stop being a ASS!!!! Give me a break......

The bottom line is I love you WH !!!!!!!!!!
WH's OutdoorsChick said:
so is this the first Marriage Hunttalk is responsible for???
According to HuntTalk Lawyers , Oscar Williamson and any and all admins can not be held responsible for The marriage


Kinda refreshing to hear about a heterosexual event after all the gay talk in Fantasy Hunt...thanks Chick...good luck to you gonna let WH post again..he's being pretty traumatic shock I suppose. ;)
Congrats to you both....and here i thought you [WHOC] flew the coup! glad to hear you two hooked it up....Now you know everyone is just shmucking with ya..... but welcome to the ball and chain society.......I`m happy for ya.... its a lot of work ....
MAN.... one week married and She brings out the Attitude already. WH, look out bud ;)

Just shitting you guys !!! Kudos on the marriage. Like Delw Said It's not us to Blame, We have Hired lawyers in the Past not to be blamed for events like that :p

All Joking aside....... Congrats again !!
What a bunch of comedians we've got on here :D

Yep, we did it at a place called "The Hitching Post" in Coeur D'Alene. I highly recommend it for anybody who doesn't want to spend all their money on a wedding. It's right across the street from the courthouse, so from the time you get your marriage license, you can be married in less than 15 minutes if you plan ahead and make an appointment ahead of time. hump We stayed Friday night in Coeur D'Alene, then drove back into Washington just east of Mt Rainier, got a cabin for the night, and Outdoor Chick was nice enough to wake up at 6 a.m. and go elk scouting with me. I'll be back there in 6 weeks with muzzleloader in hand ready to kill a monster bull. hump This is gonna be a good year. :D
It's right across the street from the courthouse, so from the time you get your marriage license, you can be married in less than 15 minutes if you plan ahead and make an appointment ahead of time.

Any quicker and it would have been a drive thru.