Irish bears and granite goats

indian larry

Jan 29, 2007
Anchorage, AK
Yum Yum goat over the fire at camp :D

Been rather busy sense i got back so ill make the story short and sweet i guess. Day one we left anchorage bright and early,and got to Kodiak around 7. Once we hooked up with Seahawk air they asked if we wanted to be the first flight out and we jumped all over it. We had all i things packed up and ready to go so we loaded up right when we got in.


Once we set up camp was set up we had a very nice day to get out do some deer hunting and look around where the goats were. We passed on one buck because we figure it was going to be easy to find them if we found one and hour into our trip, we were wrong. So we headed back to camp we heard a storm was coming in so we tied down camp as best we could and layed down for the night. The storm ended up coming and it had plenty of wind and rain to keep us down for most of day 2. Late in the day on day 2 we had to get out of the tent, we spotted some goat and they looked very good so we went after them. We started a stock when another big batch of fog rolled in over us and the goats.So we headed back to camp once again.

Day 3 came up with sun so we hit the hills early.



More after dinner, cant pass up a free home cooked meal sorry.
Now that im full ill finish the story. To make a long story short i headed up the hill the next shoot over so they wouldnt see me coming up, moved my way up untill i was looking into where they were. They ended up being close then i though so i picked on out before they went behind the rocks and shot.


He ended up taking a little digger but turned out to be all right. He ended up being 9 inches on both sides with 5 1/2 inch bases. i was very happy for my first goat and hope to draw another tag very soon!

We spent the new few days busting brush trying to find deer and we found plenty but no bucks. Later in the week we ended up getting a weather report and found out if we didnt leave then we would of been there into next week so we called and got out while we could. It was a good hunt and was alot of fun.
thanks everyone.....kev im just going to tan it and keep it around and shoot for a bigger one next year i guess.....dont have the money to do what a want
I went up for a week last week, but We haven't killed anything yet. We are not seeing much some small bucks but nothing close to big. Whats your plans when you get back? I think I am headed back up thursday or friday.
1st day wyo report:

Landed in Rock Springs. Wind blowing of course. Read the local paper, that was a hoot. Same old people getting in trouble. Nothing changes hahaha.

Went out looking for antelope in the hurricane. Everyone said that the wind hasn't blown much the last couple weeks but I call bullshit on it. Anyhow saw a lot of hunters out scouting for elk. There was even one guy using his motorcyle to drive up a game trail in the trees. He was doing some serious scouting.

We saw a lot of deer. I tell you what, I'd give my left nut for a 102 deer tag this year. Yeah I said it. I know I'm anti-102 but not this year. There are some great bucks running around. All that moisture has helped out I'm sure.

We saw a few antelope but the wind was blowing too much to even consider having my mom take a shot at one. Dad's eyesight is failing fast so he didn't even see half of the critters. Still a good time.

Day 2:
Dad had an eye appointment so we didn't go out for the morning. Wind is blowing even worse than yesterday. Dad just got back and hes going to cook me some side pork, eggs, and homemade hashbrowns. I love hunting with my dad.

We are going to go out this afternoon. Just got a call from a buddy who swears theres a monster goat by vermillion creek. So after bacon we are off to go see him!!

Good luck Kevin if you go out. If you're in town on saturday I'm going to be around.
Alexander Supertramp....nice, haha.

Good ol' Seahawk! What unit did you draw? Looks waaaay too dry to be a successful goat hunt.
I am headed up north tonight to hunt the weekend. How long you going to be in town. Your going to have to call me or get together before you leave. My little brother has a 102 tag, let me know where these big deer are.
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