If you could go back to age 25

I was still in the army at 25, and I’m not that far removed from it, but I wouldn’t change a thing. I’ve only been out a few years now. Any advice for what you all would do in the same situation but 31 instead of 25?!
I personally wouldn’t change much, just 1 thing. A car wreck in 2006 on opening day of duck season of all things. 25 I had been married to my high school sweetheart for 5 years and had a 1 y/o daughter. Oh buy more property in SW Idaho.
Took up a career that I was passionate about. One that would allow me live wherever I want. Turns out they were right about money not being everything.
Yep, land would have been the right investment at 25 in Bozeman.
Didnt have any money:( cuz I was living the dream. Pretty hard to imagine how long to sit on the purchase,as well, back then.
None of us would have thunk!!
If you could go back to your mid 20's and be single, no kids, no debt, and have a bachelors degree, what would you do?

Would you start a business, go back to school, runaway and make a living as a drifting hunting guide?

Just curious as to what everyone would say since hunting season is just about over and I would imagine everyone is probably as bored as me this time of year.

I wouldn't ever go back to my 20's. Maybe for the body, but I've got the truck I want, time I want, job I want, money I want, and doing what I want. I'd make some diffrent decisions as would everyone else, but so far 30's are great.
Not sure what you folks were doing at 25 lol but I barely had money for rent and beer...

That’s what I was thinking! Maybe I could have afforded a 1/2 acre lot outside Bozeman that would have appreciated 10% by now!

I wouldn’t change much beyond telling my younger self to be kinder, more patient, and to keep going.
When I was 25 (mind you, it's only been 4 years) I had just moved back east from a season in Idaho working at a salmon hatchery to work construction and go back to the NYSDEC seasonal as a tech. I'm happy with the way it's worked out since then, but I've still got a nagging regret that I should have never left Idaho
Hard to say, all the roads I've traveled have got me here, 31 blessed with a good career, married to my highschool sweetheart for 10 years, 2 kids I love unconditionally.

Obviously there's always the what if I would've done this instead.........

I guess if I think about it a single man at 25. I'd try to get a job in a good industry with a solid retirement plan. Hunt , fish, have hounds and live the simple life. Having said that, I wouldn't change what I have now for any of that.

Life is what you make it my friend......
Well, I would have moved to Bozeman at 25 instead of back to Michigan after my enlistment was up. Would have gotten a much cheaper house :p. I don't think I would change much tho. Finished my bachelors at 24 shortly after getting out and life has been pretty fruitfull. I got married young and we celebrated 10 years last august, no reason to change that. People forget how good we have it here in the States, I cant find much to complain about.
Not sure what you folks were doing at 25 lol but I barely had money for rent and beer...
Working my butt off, had been married 4 years already. I worked a weekday job, then a nights and weekend job. My wife was the college graduate, I stopped after 2 years because of a good paying opportunity. I did end up buying property in CO before moving, but didn't make as much as I would have if I bought some of the first land I looked at.
That would take me back to the 80's. I would not change a damn thing. If I would, I would not be where Im at right now and where Im at right now is pretty damn sweet. a great wife, great kids, grand kids
I would not change a damn thing.
I am in the same position as you, just no grand kids (that I know of!) but I have had my own business for 10 years now as a hunting/fishing guide, previous to that 30 years in the telecoms industry.
Looking back yes, I would have bought land, but with what?, I didn't have any disposable income at 25 and I doubt many 25 year olds did, why dwell on the past, look to the future I say.
Move to Alaska or the Yukon. Start a business, or work for someone to gain the experience and then start one...
I wouldn't have spent so much money on booze and women. Know that. If I had half that money back I would be sitting better than I am.

Also, I would have gotten in the points game at that point instead of waiting any longer. Its biting me in the ass now and I see it every season. My plan of rotating points across 10 different states and species isn't coming along as swimmingly as I had originally planned.
My thoughts as well, I don't even want to know how much money I spent on booze at the bar.
I'm just surprised how many guys here are in their 20's and 30's currently. I thought HT was all a bunch of old farts.

I wish that I had the maturity level 10 years ago that I have today, and will probably say the same thing again 10 years from now.
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