Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

If you could go back to age 25


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018
If you could go back to your mid 20's and be single, no kids, no debt, and have a bachelors degree, what would you do?

Would you start a business, go back to school, runaway and make a living as a drifting hunting guide?

Just curious as to what everyone would say since hunting season is just about over and I would imagine everyone is probably as bored as me this time of year.
I’m 29, single, no bachelor degree.
In a perfect world I’ll have most of my debt paid off in about 18 months and I’m seriously considering selling my house, heading west, living in a bivy sack in the bed of my truck and just hoping to F I can find a better way somewhere that has mountains.
It’s not like this cold, flat, blue collar hell wont be waiting for me if I come back 🤷🏼‍♂️
If you could go back to your mid 20's and be single, no kids, no debt, and have a bachelors degree, what would you do?

Would you start a business, go back to school, runaway and make a living as a drifting hunting guide?

Just curious as to what everyone would say since hunting season is just about over and I would imagine everyone is probably as bored as me this time of year.

Buy land.
25 was a good year for me too, 8 years ago. Started in the industry (arborist) I now can’t imagine ever leaving. I was freshly married to an amazing woman that encouraged me to hunt. And went on my first big game hunt, and killed my biggest bull elk to date.
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Buy land.

well since it would be 1960, I agree with Harley, buy more land. Moving forward twenty years to the 1980's buy more Microsoft and Apple stock. Start your own business , and not a store front business. Buying land and starting our own business were good decisions, at least for us-----I was recently asked "if you could, what would you do again ? " and I replied, "all of it"

Whatever you do Texassam, make sure it is something you enjoy. "Work" is so much easier when you enjoy what you are doing. Best of luck to you.
I think I lived in 3 different states when I was 25. A few months in Minnesota, a few months in Oregon and then down to Louisiana. It wasn't fun being broke all the time but I got the adventure thing accomplished.
I wouldn't have spent so much money on booze and women. Know that. If I had half that money back I would be sitting better than I am.

Also, I would have gotten in the points game at that point instead of waiting any longer. Its biting me in the ass now and I see it every season. My plan of rotating points across 10 different states and species isn't coming along as swimmingly as I had originally planned.
If you could go back to your mid 20's and be single, no kids, no debt, and have a bachelors degree, what would you do?

Would you start a business, go back to school, runaway and make a living as a drifting hunting guide?

Just curious as to what everyone would say since hunting season is just about over and I would imagine everyone is probably as bored as me this time of year.

When I was 25.....I had already been married 8 years 3 months! But, to answer your question.....move to Alaska and be a hunting guide! memtb
I wouldn't have spent so much money on booze and women. Know that. If I had half that money back I would be sitting better than I am.

Also, I would have gotten in the points game at that point instead of waiting any longer. Its biting me in the ass now and I see it every season. My plan of rotating points across 10 different states and species isn't coming along as swimmingly as I had originally planned.
+1 〽💥
Outside of Bozeman
For sure; buy land up Bridger Canyon. Having recently graduated from MSU, with shiny new Army ROTC "butter bars", a friend approached me and suggested we partner in purchase of forty acres of a pasture for sale up Bridger Canyon since now I would enjoy a relatively nice paycheck in the military. I replied that the future held the uncertain outcome of a trip to Vietnam and for that reason, I didn't even buy green bananas! What an error in judgement ... about the land investment, not the bananas!
I would move to Alaska and start a career that I enjoyed and my education allowed. I would take advantage of all of the hunting and fishing opportunities that Alaska has to offer. I stopped in Anchorage in the late sixties on my way to South East Asia and said at that time when I got back I needed to spend some time up there and take advantage of the beautiful country . Well, it never happened.
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2008 was when I was 25. Just started law school, with an ex-fiance, as the bottom fell out of the economy. It was a tough year but it was worth it. And I killed my first bull with a bow. At the risk of changing who I am, I wouldn't change a thing.
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That would take me back to the 80's. I would not change a damn thing. If I would, I would not be where Im at right now and where Im at right now is pretty damn sweet. My own bowhunting business, working for other bowhunting businesses, Bowhunting all over the globe, a great wife, great kids, great grand kids.

I would not change a damn thing.