Hunting w/ A Friend Rules?

I've got 1 great hunting partner, The only one that I hunt with actually.

We've only got 1 rule and that is whatever we kill, all the meat is split evenly as well as any processing expense.

We're always on the same page, if we weren't then maybe we would need to establish more rules.
No set rule in my Mind, it is just something you need to talk about first and decide.

I only get Rifle hunt, so we don't hunt together so it isn't a issue of who shoots first.
as far as the animal goes, I have always went by who ever shoots it it's there's.
we just help each other get it out, but everyone does it a little different I think. JMO.

With the guys I hunt with the usual rule is whoever spots the deer gets to stalk it. We usually split up and one guy will get to a position to try to get a shot if the stalker busts the deer out. Big picture, whoever gets a clean shot at the deer shoots it and everyone is happy. Getting the deer killed cleanly is the most important part. Also we split up the meat sometimes 25/75 sometimes 50/50 or I have even given away my deer to a hunting partner if I already had one in the freezer and he had none. Like the other guys have said, it shouldn't be an uncomfortable conversation.
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Me and a friend are headed west this next fall he really wants to get on a good deer because in his home state they are few and far between and I have a couple of nice deer already so he will toke the first shot on deer and I will take the first shot on an elk but in the end meat will get split 50/50 both of us are putting in the time energy and money up so in the end we will split each others successes. Best of luck to you!
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