Huge axis buck.

The deer is a buck, not a bull. I think that dog has hunted before, look how he posses for the picture too! Looks like some kind of terrier?
Definitely not from the part you're from. In fact, between you & wyosheepstumper, I'm thinking about moving.:D

:D Tom is the classic texan that I so dearly hate.

Do not get any ideas about moving to AK either fuggers, thats where I'm moving this spring. I heard you can drive for miles without seeing a texan. Paradise.

What part you moving too? Too many Texans in your "desert" where you live now? What makes someone say they hate a whole state full of people, is that what you're really saying? Maybe you can amplify a little, be a little more specific, what about me, makes me a classic example of what you hate besides being in Texas?

If I was in Wyoming, would it be different?

We have sheep in Texas. I don't know if you can stump them though, is that what you like to do and some Texan didn't let you do it when you were a little boy or something?

What kind of an American tells somebody where to think about living and not living?

My guess is you tried to sell those potatoe chips at 6 bags for $16+ and some Texans laughed at you? Is that it?
What makes someone say they hate a whole state full of people, is that what you're really saying? Maybe you can amplify a little, be a little more specific, what about me, makes me a classic example of what you hate besides being in Texas?
Sorry Tom, but I will throw out an example.:D

A big something or other!!!

Its like every 12-13 years that somebody gets one this big, sort of.

After chaining its hind legs to the tractor,

It went well, considering the guy before me got trampled.

The guide was physically and verbally very cautious as we were going up to it

Not enough time to post all the classic quotes, let's live it again.
Theres only two things that come from Texas tom. Steers and queers and I don't think you have any horns

Last edited by Wyodeerhunter : Today at 09:27 PM. Reason: accidently posted before I was done because I had to chase a texan out of my chicken coop for trying to go on a pheasant hunt

...figured you for a cockblocker.:cool:
You know why they are smiling in that picture? It's because they know they only have to sleep with 5 more texans and then they will have enough money to get the heck out of there......

Tom why do you wear your hat tilted like a gangster (or is it gangsta)?. Oh and btw you don't have to put your name on your shirt when you go pick up hookers. They don't care what your name is.....
That one 2nd on the Left I would bounce a Quarter off her Belly right into a Beer glass hump hump
Sorry Tom, but I will throw out an example.:D

A big something or other!!!

Its like every 12-13 years that somebody gets one this big, sort of.

After chaining its hind legs to the tractor,

It went well, considering the guy before me got trampled.

The guide was physically and verbally very cautious as we were going up to it

Not enough time to post all the classic quotes, let's live it again.

This made me laugh......a lot!!
Here's some other places with water buffalo in the record books.

Florida, Oregon, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Alaska, South Africa, New Zealand, and Australia.