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How young is old enough to shoot a deer?

The states legal limit. I had my kids hunting at 10, thats the legal limit here. Of course neither one killed a deer until in their teens.
I think it depends on a number of factors JB. Comprehension skills, enthusiasm, attention span, etc. My son was in the field with me at 4, hunting with me at 7, took a deer at 11. My grandson is 4 & on the same track hopefully.
Both my daughter and my son took their first deer at 12 years old. They both handled it well, with controlled excitement. Dad made alot of noise.
I ask because my son just turned 4.
He has gone with me for 2 years already and he has been present for 8 or 9 hunt that ended in skinning ....... He calls it turning them into meat.
You know, its what you do right after the pictures :D

OK, for the rest of you out there.
How old were your kids?
My boys passed the HUnter's Ed Course when they were 9 years old. I held them away from deer and turkey hunting the first year just because I wanted them to get used to carrying a gun and know all about safety.

So it depends on each youth's maturity and common sense that should determine when they are ready. The parent will know when the child is able to handle everything about hunting and shooting.
depends on the kid. I think a couple years with Dad is a must, and never alone before 12
JB, I started Travis out with walks thought the woods carring a small BB gun when he was 4 or 5, we then progressed to going to a tower stand for Deer hunting. The set up was dry and I carried a 5 gallon bucket with snacks, a small pillow and a nice blanket, when he was tired, out came the pillow and blanket! When the hunt was over, more Deer 101 with Daddy. His first shot at a Deer was at 9 and his first Kill was at 10. I see some things on TV that make me cringe and a 6 year old is a little too young for ME. At such an early age he is'nt making sense out of what he reads, why do would you think he would understand what happens when that gun goes off. But, Kids do progress real fast, so just take it all in and they will enjoy it alot more if not pushed. John
WH's OutdoorsChick said:
JB my Hubby wants to start hunting wiht out baby around 4 yrs old....How do you get the child to not talk while hunting.....

You don't get them not to talk. That is part of the fun of being with your kids while hunting. They open up and talk about things that they would never talk to you about otherwise.

They will eventaully learn to keep quiet during a stalk or in a tree stand but it is learned not forced. Also your hubby will find out that being out their in the woods and hills with his son/daughter is more important, usually, then killing something. If he is successful while with his kid out hunting that is just gravy.

My girls never got into hunting. They could gut a hog, and even would go through the guts, pointing out what was what. Once a guy killed a pregnant sow, and Candi carried one of the fetuses around and then dissected it. They liked going, just never wanted to kill something themselves and I didn't push them into it. They can shoot, drive a 4x4 through the nasty stuff, fish, field dress, etc. though.

They did complain about some of our family dinners and why they couldn't eat "regular" food when we all got together, instead of elk, quail, antelope, deer or wild pig. ;)

My son, on the other hand, is a bloodthirsty little bugger. He wants to shoot anything and everything, and he's only 7.

I figure that 10 to 12 is about right for big game, depending on the child's maturity and enthusiasm.
I killed my first deer at 10 [Chino valley AZ] you could hunt does back then... I was going with my dad when i was 7.. my brother too.... so i think it depends on "exposure" to hunting. Starting out hunting doves with a B.B. gun [old Daisy] at 5-6 then upgrading to rabbits with a 22 single shot.....I think you need to work them into it... I wouldn`t hand a 10 year old a High power rifle for the first time... Its a "judgement call" everyone is different.
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