How do you deal with ticks?

+37 for permethrin. I just wonder if there's any concerns with wearing treated clothes around the house/pets? My dogs always licking my pants after I'm out hunting,gotta taste the woods I guess.
Not a fan of chemicals so I really don't use anything. Meticulously check myself for ticks. I usually wear knee high rubber boots in spring when they are worst by me. I tuck in my pants in the boots and tuck in my shirt as well. Also keep my hunting clothes separate from other clothes and wash them often right after hunting if I am not camping. Someone mentioned the apple cider vinegar and that is what my mom uses with success.
I had Lyme diseases a few summers back, it wasn't bad as I caught it pretty quick. The doxycycline can kinda mess with you and makes you very vulnerable to sunburn
DEET. Permethrin, sulfur powder.

I fill a tube sock with sulfur powder and tie it off, then apply to my pants/boots before walking in.

Of course if your allergic to sulfur don’t do that 😎
Any insect repellent works well. Just spray down and then check for them later, also. No big deal. I have only had Lyme disease once!:p I had not sprayed down. Just make sure that you pull the head off with them. For Lyme disease, they have to be attached for 24 hours. I did not get the head with the body and I did not notice the black spot, until the symptoms of Lyme showed up.
Any insect repellent works well. Just spray down and then check for them later, also. No big deal. I have only had Lyme disease once!:p I had not sprayed down. Just make sure that you pull the head off with them. For Lyme disease, they have to be attached for 24 hours. I did not get the head with the body and I did not notice the black spot, until the symptoms of Lyme showed up.
It is my understanding that Lyme disease is not something that can be cured. Once you've had it, it is always there. Treatment can make it go dormant, bit not cure it.
Do you guys run into ticks as much in the summer and fall as you do in the spring? I've encountered them pretty thick in the spring, but in the fall I only see them on deer I've killed.
In my area of PA they're really bad twice per year. Usually Mid-March thru Mid-May and Mid-Oct thru Mid-Dec. They're around all times of year, but seem worse at these times. I seem to find them more in the woods than in pheasant fields.
It is my understanding that Lyme disease is not something that can be cured. Once you've had it, it is always there. Treatment can make it go dormant, bit not cure it.
Not true. You can get a chronic infection, but you can cure it usually.
CDC has a good page on it at one time. Doxy early in the course is helpful.
Rickettsial infections are pretty interesting.
I think that you are right. I feel like I have symptoms every day, but it is probably just old age. o_O
My son (lives in SE PA) was infected about 3 years ago. The specialist he saw told him that he thought that a lot of the immune system diseases (MS, Lupus to name 2) have been misdiagnosed over the years and were/are actually different forms of Lymes. Old age is a bitch. I used to wonder why men (when they got to a certain age) walked in a bent back position...……..I'm starting to figure it out. :)
I’m new to north Idaho and love it here so far. I went out for turkey yesterday and brushed several ticks off of my clothing and skin while out hiking around. When I got back to my truck and started driving I realized that I was actually covered in about 15-20 ticks. I pulled over and picked them all off. So today I cleaned my truck and vacuumed everything. I stopped to eat lunch at a restaurant and I see one crawling on my arm. I’m used to a few ticks here and there but this seems like it’s going to be a real issue here. What do you guys do to prevent Getting them on you or in your home and vehicles?

Another one for Permethrin. Sawyer make a great product that is a spray on for clothing. (Wash all your hunting gear and hang dry. While still wet spray them down and let dry. Last through several washes and a few months before needing to re-apply.
Tea Tree Oil

My Dad and I, we used to pick up a 2oz bottle at Wally World (It's in the pharmacy section) and mix that with water in a 6oz spray bottle ($1 @ Wally World) and spray down our clothes with it before a hunt. The ticks are wicked bad in NY and this trick saved us a few times. The 1st couple times we tried it, he would spray up and I wouldn't, guess who came back with ticks...

For me the TTO is the way to go
Tea Tree Oil

My Dad and I, we used to pick up a 2oz bottle at Wally World (It's in the pharmacy section) and mix that with water in a 6oz spray bottle ($1 @ Wally World) and spray down our clothes with it before a hunt. The ticks are wicked bad in NY and this trick saved us a few times. The 1st couple times we tried it, he would spray up and I wouldn't, guess who came back with ticks...

For me the TTO is the way to go
Have you used it while hunting? Curious about the smell affecting wildlife...
Have you used it while hunting? Curious about the smell affecting wildlife...

A little in the early/mid season for deer and all the time for turkey. We haven't had any issues so far when playing the wind. If the buck can smell the TTO, he can smell you anyway. Later in the season when it cools off and gets below 40* we quit wearing it
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