Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hoochie mama getting old??

I think elk will learnt to less vocal with each year that droves of hunters use calls, but to identify one call from another and not respond, I doubt it.
My last elk hunt I couldn't get the bulls to answer the HOochie Mama. Yet the were goin nutz over my hyper-lip cow call.

But I've also heard stories of squeaky ol forestry machinery calling in ruttin bulls.
Personally I think the call is a bit squeekier than the real thing, it has a very distinct sound. You can easily tell the difference between that call and a real cow call.... but have seen elk come to all kinds of non-real sounding calls. Ease of use won't sway me in to buying one.
I think the big issue is how easy it is to use. There are going to be a lot of newbies out blowing the hoochie momma's when they shouldn't be. Like in the middle of the road, while not concealed, and to often just to name a few. All things that associate that call or any other for that matter as danger. You here it more and more every year. That the elk are not calling or will not respond to calls. It seems to me the elk have a pretty good memory.
Man, some Hoochie Mama's never get old. Take Ann Margret.. or Sophia Loren. How about Cyd Charise..??

Oh, the elk call. That Hoochie Mama.. Nah, guys are always lookin for it.. If it sounds right, they'll come..

I think Danr may be right - bulls and bucks in rut are pretty focused on one thing. They do not throw "all" caution to the wind, but I do think they will respond in many cases. There are the peripheral bulls, the older bulls and the young ones that are even more agressive because they are aren't getting any. Perhaps a big herd bull who already has a harem won't come in because he might be suspicious - I guess it depends on what you are looking for.
I have used Carltons fightin cow call to call in a few rag horns and some cows. I've used the hoochie mama to calm busted elk down. I don't call much though..
I've used the sleezy cow call a little. I've actually used almost every call in the book. I just have the best success with primo's stuff.
elk learn each other's calls. Just as you know the sound of your friends voice. All it take is a new hunter with one incounter to spook an elk with a call. That elk will remember it if he gets wind of the hunter for the season. That's why when there is a herd bull with cows and you bugle from a distance he will move off. He has not incountered you befor and is not sure how big you are. The bull is not real concerned with a small raghorn that is close by he knows he wont lose a cow to him because the cow picks the bull. Most calls, Call to loud and the same every time. Master a reed for best results. The best way is to go to an elk ranch and copy the sounds each cow and calf makes' When and why they are doing it. Learn to use the reed with your mouth closed when there close. Only one time or they will pin point you. And if they dont see a animal were the sound came from, They will hang up.Use lots of mixed in quite calls also.

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