Sitka Pre Season Savings

Hey Orvis, HEADS UP!

welcome to florida bro.the first one is the scariest so just learn as much as you can on how to prepare.keep us posted
I lived in Norfolk and Virginia Beach VA as a youth, so the hurricane scene is nothing new to me.

I'm still east of the main course on this one...right now anyways. Looks like it is headed more towards Ft Walton and PCola than anything.

We are flying our jets to Oklahoma City tomorrow. The wife and I are trying to decide where we will evacuate to if they call the order. I'm thinking Six Flags over GA or if the storm doesn't clip the peninsula, maybe Busch Gardens and Sea World.

To take the dead animals or not...that is the question. Some things just aren't replaceable.
Thats way to cool you guys.... Your so lucky to get those extra heavy breezes your way... :)
I think I'd head to Disney World .......... But it would turn and follow me!

I did get most of our shutters up before dark tonight.
We needed a few extra sheets of 1/2 plywood so I sent one of the guys home early to pick some up for tomorrow and Home Depot AND Lowes were already sold out!
They didnt have duck tape either for the keyholes and door thresholds!

Next thing you know we will be running out of gas!
Our police said they will evacuate the island by 6am saturday if it keeps this course.

The good news is I secured a NM elk tag for archery tonight.................................WHOOO HHOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Damn storms are such an inconvenience.

Talk to me about covering up the keyholes with duck tape. What is that for? To keep debri out?
in one of the builings I manage we have found that it keeps sand out of the keyhole .........But the real reason is during one of the tropicals storms I stayed in our condo where we lived at the time. The winds were approaching 65 and the rain started peeing through the keyhole and around the lock and dripping on the floor (from the horizontal rain) It took 5 beach towels to get the water off the tile, I;m guessing maybe a gallon of h2o came in that way?
Seemed pretty erie at the time but on carpet that could start a mold/mildew problem as sometimes it will stay closed up for days after a hurricane and without power it gets a little stale inside.

This year we are taping the thresholds also on the higher floors to prevent water intrusion at the entry doors. Of course none of that matters if the roof blows off in a couple of places :)

My parent live in pensacola and thier roof was completed on tuesday from Ivan 9 months ago. |oo
good luck you guys.looks like this one isnt even going to bring to much rain to my house but im sure i will need your support before the season is over hump .ovis i dont think i would go to six flags it seems like when a storm hits the panhandle it always turns to atlanta to dump a bunch of rain on. :confused:

Looks like we might be headed to Orlando or St Augustine in the a.m. Doesn't appear we will escape rain/wind anywhere we go, but...
Hey Orvis .......... Got Power yet?
We lucked out in this one but I imagine that you were hit pretty hard!
Hope all is well.

Electricity sure is nice but it is under-appreciated when you have it!
Returned home last night from Orlando. Took the kids and wife to Sea World. Had a real nice time and the weather held out for us...mostly cloudy the entire time.

US 75 was a real pain travelling on yesterday. Must of sat at idle for 3 hours due to 2 pile up accidents. I counted 14 cars in one pile up.

House is fine. Most damage was self-inflicted preparing for the storms. Didn't think anything of it this a.m., but grabbed a bowl of Total cereal, took one bite and "yousers" the milk was sour. I guess the power went out long enough to turn the dairy products in the fridge, but other than damage.

Round two coming up next week???
That always impresses the wife if you try giving her a little smoochin after getting that bad taste in your mouth...

I am glad to hear all of you faired well thru the storm... :)

A lot of business are still closed here because folks had a slow drive home in the traffic. This storm REALLY freaked everybody out after Ivan was so bad.

I think sea world was probably more fun than most had!
Good Call Orvis :D

We need to get these out of the way now before elk season, I'm just not sure I can handle another goofed up elk season :rolleyes:
Mexico Beach is a complete ghost town today. I bet by the weekend things will be close to norm around here.

Forgot to mention the beach did suffer from some serious errosion.
SITKA Pre Season Savings

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