Hey BUZZ, I found the Greek ?

NOW he has me running for Political office.....

I do have to say he types well now, I think he took those AA class's finally ?
Ah... thats the well kept secret, Moosie comes out of the closet because he's running for Idaho Governer... :D
MAn I got an Email from the Greek.... I honestly don't think he likes me :)

Him call me bad things ;)

And although he brought up "Ol Jack" (DEL I think) and "The Big Phoney" (ELKY) and Ol' DS, He never brought up BUZZ..... I think tomorrow I might remind him about ya :D

I'd like to see that email...HAHA.

I'm a little disappointed that I wasnt mentioned though...and he didnt say anything about Greenhorn???

He's slipping.

I drove through Hanna the other day...it looks like just the place for a truck driving drunk to live. I'd bet the mean average income in that town is 5k a year, average IQ about 11, and the grade school graduation level is hovering at a whopping 23%...

I wouldnt live there on a bet.
BuzzH said:

I'd like to see that email...HAHA.

I'm a little disappointed that I wasnt mentioned though...and he didnt say anything about Greenhorn???

He's slipping.

I drove through Hanna the other day...it looks like just the place for a truck driving drunk to live. I'd bet the mean average income in that town is 5k a year, average IQ about 11, and the grade school graduation level is hovering at a whopping 23%...

I wouldnt live there on a bet.
ROFLMAO :D :D :D That is just toooooo funny. It won't be long before your name is rought up Buzz. He is keeping the best for last. ;)
I thnik he actually thought he got under mine...... Thats the Funny part ;)

Another Day, Another Internet freak..................

ACON, thanx for the Phone message :p
Moosie said:
G-sus H... I'm stooping to Back to BAck posts here, I feel like the Greek on a Drunkin' Binge ;)

What I find is Funny is How I have No friends yet in Ever one of My hunts I have a Different guy in the Picture with me. Maybe it's that no one likes me enough to go hunting with me twice ?!?!? ;) HAHA !! At that rate, I'll be out of People in Idaho real soon.... Anyone from Out of State that posts on the Internet want to be my Friend for a Day ? I'll be nice to you on the net.... Promise ...:wank:
or perhaps none has ever returned from hunting with you lol hump
Buzz... I'll show it to you but don't let anyone else see it ok ?


RE:Explain to me......


Now you said "you wanted to fight."

I said "you don't have the wits or the stomach to hang with me."

You said "for me to keep my hands up to protect myself." (As if you had any thing to hit me with).

Now when I used to make fun of you and say that you were so irrevalate that you did not matter you got pissed.

Now I said your responsible for everything that the Hunt Lies Crowd did, and you got pissed.

You never send me a message saying "Uncle", you never said "the fight was over."

Now you act like I blindsided you. I told you I was on other websites. Bashing you and the Big Phoney at will. I can't help it if your full of chit so you think I am too!!!

I told the truth. It's not my fault that I couldn't register as the Greek on this site so I took the next best thing.

Don't be so childish. You wanted to fight. You never gave up. All I am doing is continuing the saga.

I didn't lie. All I did was pull a Moosie. You twist the facts to make yourself look good. All I did was twist the facts to make you look bad. Everything I said was true. The Dickslayer did everything I accused you of. You cover for the Dickslayer. Therefore he is one of your boys. See I did a Moosie, twisting the facts.

Please bring "Ol Jack" over and "The Big Phoney" along with you I so enjoy making them eat their words.

One last thing "You Dumb Bastard" I never, never, ever physically threated you!!!!!!!! I told Duh Fly I was going to kick his ass, and the Dickslayer invited himself along. But I never, ever threatened you physically. Your too big a of a pussy. Why would I want to threat you????? What a wimpy bastard you are.

Don't confuse me and Doug. Doug might have threated you. But I NEVER have. That's why your "One Dumb Bastard" you keep confusing me and Doug. I haven't talk to Doug in 2 1/2 years. It's none of your business why.

Remember you asked me to fight with you, because you felt left out. Your ego got the best of you. Don't whine or bitch about it.

If you have had enough say "Uncle" like the pussy you are. (Notice how I put it in a way that makes it so hard for an a-hole like you to accept, because I don't feel I should be done with you).

And as it continues because you request it so!!!!!!!!


My simple reply :


AHHHH Good for you, for a Moment with your Posting I thought you stopped drinking. I have no clue what you're typing in this PM, I at least understood your post. DID your wife write it ? At least you didn't change

Truce ? HAHA, You're a Dush bag, bring it on fatty Once again, I never get mad, I actually feel sorry for you... you're a Poor poor soul Beotch

There ya go........
ID scout..... You must be from Northern Idaho were they do stuff a Bit different ;)

HAAHm You're funny man, That was a Good one, Welcome aboard by the way. I don't recognise your hundle, Do we know each other ?
Don't confuse me and Doug. Doug might have threated you. But I NEVER have. That's why your "One Dumb Bastard" you keep confusing me and Doug. I haven't talk to Doug in 2 1/2 years. It's none of your business why.

HAs it been that long? I thought The porta pottie man was going to work for the lion king.....

There is simply no defense against such a rational string of thoughts conveyed with that much eloquence. :cool: (shudder)

"because I don't feel like I should be done with you. And as it continues because you request it so!!!"

Cry uncle before your psyche is scarred for life Moosie. ;)
I've heard of "ramblin' rose" and "ramblin' cattle" and even "ramblin' rebels", but that's the same "ramblin' Geek"..... and he can ramble.... as in "the ramblings of a demented mind" or "rambling drunk" or "rambling idiot".....

I bet some education would help that poor man...Well, maybe not.

ever physically threated you


That could be the worse thing possible, being threated, I'll tell you what, even from a fat guy.... ;)

I don't know how you could live with some thing this big hanging over your head....
moosie, you should leave the greek alone.he has never done anything to you.
why do you go around starting trouble on other boards?.you have enough members here that kiss your ass on a daily basis so why go out fishing for more ass kissers?(you ass kissers know who you are, dont make me name names!)
JB said:
moosie, you should leave the greek alone.he has never done anything to you.
why do you go around starting trouble on other boards?.you have enough members here that kiss your ass on a daily basis so why go out fishing for more ass kissers?(you ass kissers know who you are, dont make me name names!)

ROTFLMAO :D :D :D :cool:
Why JB.. I didn't know you were a great Geek Defender and Protector of Innocent Idiots. How wonderful. Now I can put you right up there on a pedestal with Hose B and Gummer and all of the other demented minds...
