Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Hey BUZZ, I found the Greek ?


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So.. I was asking about Goat hunting on another Forum and got this responce from a Guy with a sig from Wyoming that is a Truck driver..... MAybe I'm wrong though :D

Whoever it is, I'm guessing he don't like me..... ;)

The reason people either love you or hate you Oscar is that people either don't understand you or they do understand you.

The reason you love the internet is because you can make friends with people that don't really know you. You post your pictures and they think you are something your not.

The reason people don't like you is they figure you out. You post your pictures in a manner that makes it a dick stretching contest.

When you stop to look at what you have done on the internet, 3 chat sites have been shutdown because of you and your boys. Two more have been castrated to the point they might as well be shutdown. Two outfitters have been put out of business because of you and your boys.

Now granted the Lion King would have gone out of business any way. But wasn't he one of your friends???? One of your friends that you double crossed??? And the fellow in Meeker was just a good guy that didn't see you and your friends coming. I mean you completely blind sided him.

Maybe that is why so many people either ignore you or voted to kick you in the nads.

By the way I would love to see you and the Lion King square off. I mean he actually works for a living and has some muscles. And well I quess you might be able to hit him with your tongue
after all that is your strongest point isn't it???

By the way if your little chat site is really as much fun as you say it is..... WHY ARE YOU ON EVERY OTHER CHAT SITE ALL THE TIME?????
I don't know if that's the Geek or not.. Everything was spelled almost right and the english was fair. Oh, and I didn't see any toilet paper hanging on it anywhere.

Do you think that's really the Greek? Isn't your other buddy up there a truck driver also?

Isn't your other buddy up there a truck driver also?

I think he still owns that Lumber mill ? I;m pretty sure he wanted to kill me last I know, but I stayed in contact with Shecat for awhile. I actually liked both of them alot but Bcat wasn't one for the Forums. Anyways, PAst is PAst.

I agree on the Spelling and Puncuation. It might have beed Mrs Greek. She typed well. Although I think The Greek typed good when HE wasn't drinking.

I hope it was him, I get worried that he fell in a Ditch wile road hunting sometimes.

Also, could someone fill me in on the 2 outfitting business's I signle handedly shut down and the 3 Internet chat sites !!! Holey Crap, I wasn't aware I had that power. I might have to Change my signature to something else like "Able to put you out of Business and Shut down your Chat site with a Single post" ... ;)

Someone explain the Meeker remark ? And the Double Crossing remark.


I might have to say sorry to some people about shutting their boards down.
CJCJ... I'm guessing some of my "BOYS" will make a Remark over there and I'll get accused of Sumoning help because I couldn't "handle" the Truth. I get a Kick out of chit like that.

Although the part about the Votes is Funny because more people want me posting there then wanted to kick me in the Nads...... That surprised me ;)
G-sus H... I'm stooping to Back to BAck posts here, I feel like the Greek on a Drunkin' Binge ;)

What I find is Funny is How I have No friends yet in Ever one of My hunts I have a Different guy in the Picture with me. Maybe it's that no one likes me enough to go hunting with me twice ?!?!? ;) HAHA !! At that rate, I'll be out of People in Idaho real soon.... Anyone from Out of State that posts on the Internet want to be my Friend for a Day ? I'll be nice to you on the net.... Promise ...:wank:
Team Moosie and his merry posse of chat site saboteurs....who the hell are 'your boys'? I'm guessing the pics you posted added a little fuel to the 'tank'. more Lion King the guy who posts in caps & types in the third person?
Moosie, I'd love to be your friend and hunt with you for a day, but last time I listened to you, I was expecting a new chevy truck. I'm still waiting.. Ha!ha!Ha!.. as for the outfitters you put out of business, is he giving YOU credit for BCat going under with his outfitting business? How about Deerslayer? Is he doing something else?

This is funny, I was just talking this weekend with Calif. Hunter about some of the old days.. inspired by Bob's recent injection of trivia questions... and we were discussing BCat and Greek and all of the "stuff" that went on way back when.. by the way, when did you start using Cornholio's icon?

Hmm, looks like you got another site shut down, Moosie. HuntAmerica doesn't seem to be working.

I noticed that.... I was Going to Call Marshall and talk to him about it. It's been down all day. I thought maybe I'd been locked out but Swampy-poo likes Moosie-poo :)
Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

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