Help me out


Well-known member
Jul 26, 2013
My niece is 2.5 my boy is 1.5 she's horrible bites hits scratches pushes. What am I to do my wife is totally at the back of her sister. My boy is not a wuss he was the takes most of it but tonight the girls left the living room and I hear bang. I run in and my boys crying, I take a look at the situation and realize his cousin pushed off the slide about 30" tall. Sorry I was cooking dinner or else I would have been watching. I'm now fighting with my wife about the situation what should I do. I'm a young parent let me know your experience please. Thanks.
She is not getting disciplined by her parents. At that age, she is old enough to understand hitting is wrong. I have found with my niece, if her parents aren't correcting behavior, I will. This will usually embarrass her parents causing them to actually step in. Kids are the hardest things, but they are awesome. Good luck!
Its not fair to your son to let this go on. I would tell the other parents that if something is not done then the kids cant play together anymore. when my younger showed up at my house with bite marks on his back from my ex wifes boyfriends son i told her if i ever see that again i was going to call the department of human services. Problem solved.
I'd say the bigger issue at hand is why your wife finds this behavior acceptable. You two need to come to terms with what behaviors you will and won't allow so that you are somewhat consistent and on the same page.

In the meantime, follow duckhunt's advice and don't let them play together.
If you really want to push the issue....
Next time that little girl does something, scold her for it right in front of her parents. Either her parents will stand up and say something, which will open the door for you to express your thoughts on the situation, or they will allow you to scold their kid for them b/c they don't have the fortitude to do it themselves.

Be prepared to keep your cool when doing this, no matter what. It will be an uncomfortable conversation / position to be in but you can't keep your head in the sand and allow this to go on to your son.
Sorry, but you asked,..take off the apron and stand up to your wife. Absolutely no one sanctions harm on my kids or grandchildren.

..kidding about the apron sir.
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Sounds like you already know what needs to be done. Now stand up and do it. And for your sister in law you can tell her if she thinks it's acceptable then she could leave with her daughter not to let the door hit her on the way out.
Great replies here. I cannot believe that your wife is backing this behavior. It would last about two seconds at my house, but then again, I would not have to fight my wife on the topic, as she believes the same that I do.
Thanks for the replies my sister in law has a total hippie disposition on disciplining. Like remove her from the situation let her cool down. They live in Denver so we only see the about six times a year and I like the part about the apron I'll do that.
Sorry about the flippant apron comment. It's a serious subject and I wish you and your family the best.