Grizzly man

Interesting program on Roko tonight, Grizzly man. Some of you may remember the guy from California that went to Alaska every to live with grizzly bears. Something like 13 or might have been 18 years and one of the bears finally killed him and a girlfriend, Timmothy Tredwell. Talked a lot about him and lot's of video he did up there lot of him talking. After watching about his younger years and listening to him on his videos it became clear that the guy was mentally ill to a tremendous degree. If you know anything about what he did, I think you'd find this program very good!
I had to watch that program as part of training when I went to work as a ranger at Katmai National Park. That German guy who funded and filmed Treadwell's exploits should have his nuts cut off. Timothy CLEARLY had Kleinfelder's Syndrome which is a mutation of the sex gene. Symptoms include loss of facial/body hair (check!), Mickey Mouse voice (check!), problems with sexual performance (check ... a symptom that often drives these guys to violence), and "impaired judgement" (CHECK!). I can't believe any physician who ever examined him wouldn't have picked up on this immediately. Curiously, the female similar mutation, Turner's Syndrome, does not produce impaired judgement symptoms. Quite the opposite. Many of these ladies are exceptionally bright and gifted. They are typically short, almost dwarfish, with "shield chests." Often they are sterile and usually have serious internal organ problems, notably cardiac and kidney.

Anyway, I'm certain the German guy knew what was wrong with Timmy and milked it for his own benefit. What disgusted me was the gal who was head of the bear crew at Katmai thought Timmy walked on water. She also facilitated his goofy exploits. A scientist with a degree in biology couldn't recognize Kleinfelder's when it was so patently obvious? She was a piece of work for a lot of other reasons. That entire bear crew was a bunch of duds. And what is it about wildlife biologists that makes them live like animals? That bunch were filthy slobs. Back in the seventies I had to go clean out a USFS cabin after Goat Man Chapman finished a season of "studies." Been up to me we would have burned the place down. Ugh!
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I spent the whole movie rooting for the bears to eat him. There is actually the audio track of the girlfriend being eaten floating around on the internet - I have not heard it, but my son says it is not for the faint of heart.
we have used the video and audio to teach, what not to do, as we have both brown and white bears visit us in town at times.

I am always sorry that someone is killed but before we blame him for her death lets at least acknowledge that she was 40 years old and a P.A. She was not dumb, young, or doing what she did because she needed the money . She followed him and put herself in harms way. He did not force her to do those things.

We had a fellow in Nunavut who would tied up dogs to attract Polar Bears so he could get some good photos. The dogs that died had no choice. She had a choice and she made it. A poor choice, In my opinion, but a choice none the less.
I’ve always heard the audio is fake
I am not sure of the veracity of what is floating around the internet, but Herzog did have his hands on the audio and chose not to include it. So true audio does exist, but on the internet, your guess is as good as mine.
That German guy who funded and filmed Treadwell's exploits should have his nuts cut off
Pretty sure "that German guy" just made a documentary about it, using mostly Treadwell's footage and journals, not sure he was even involved till after Treadwell died? It was really just an odd form of suicide if you ask me.

What I mean is I think he knew that eventually he'd be killed by a bear and he liked the idea of that as a way to go.
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we have used the video and audio to teach, what not to do, as we have both brown and white bears visit us in town at times.

I am always sorry that someone is killed but before we blame him for her death lets at least acknowledge that she was 40 years old and a P.A. She was not dumb, young, or doing what she did because she needed the money . She followed him and put herself in harms way. He did not force her to do those things.

We had a fellow in Nunavut who would tied up dogs to attract Polar Bears so he could get some good photos. The dogs that died had no choice. She had a choice and she made it. A poor choice, In my opinion, but a choice none the less.
Two days in and that gal wanted OUT. She had enough of Teddy. Unfortunately, weather kept the plane from getting in to pick her up.

One of my supervisors was part of the "rescue" crew. The camera did record the attack and he heard it (and that's all he would say). The tape was supposed to be turned over to the parents but it would not surprise me if someone made a copy first. That bear study bunch were something else!

Thankfully I live in a civilized community where people who choose to torture pets are put in jail ... not respected for making the choice.
I’ve always heard the audio is fake
I did a search and listened to one version. Looking further into it I found references to a fake being passed around and mention that the original had not been released to the public.
Two days in and that gal wanted OUT. She had enough of Teddy. Unfortunately, weather kept the plane from getting in to pick her up.

Thankfully I live in a civilized community where people who choose to torture pets are put in jail ... not respected for making the choice.

She was with him for three years --that trip was not her first trip into grizzly country with him. do you have any evidence that he forced her to go on that fatal trip.

You have inferred and accused First Nation Families in the past, so your comment above does not surprise me. However even in our "uncivilized" world, the man who tied up the dogs was prosecuted and his dogs taken away from him. But of course that was not the point of my first post when I mentioned it and I did not say I respected him for tying up his dogs !
Good lord man what is wrong with you !
She was with him for three years --that trip was not her first trip into grizzly country with him. do you have any evidence that he forced her to go on that fatal trip.

You have inferred and accused First Nation Families in the past, so your comment above does not surprise me. However even in our "uncivilized" world, the man who tied up the dogs was prosecuted and his dogs taken away from him. But of course that was not the point of my first post when I mentioned it and I did not say I respected him for tying up his dogs !
Good lord man what is wrong with you !
No one said she was forced to go but she chose to be out of there within a couple of days. And she made it very clear why. Not the bears. Treadwell was the problem. It was my understanding this was her first trip with him. His previous gal had broken it off. As I recall his ex was later interviewed for the film.

My point is a whole lot of folks used someone who was mentally handicapped for their own agenda. Being the father of a now also deceased mentally handicapped child, I find that disgusting. The NPS should have put a stop to it. The people who were funding him should have put a stop to it. His parents should have put a stop to it. He was clearly not right in the head ... which made him easy to use.
actually she was with him for 6 years and their last trip to Alaska was NOT their first trip to Alaska together, it was their THIRD trip to Alaska together and for the express purpose of studying/interacting with the bears. It was the sole purpose of their trip on all three occasions.

Had he been legally declared mentally ill ?
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I had to watch that program as part of training when I went to work as a ranger at Katmai National Park. That German guy who funded and filmed Treadwell's exploits should have his nuts cut off. Timothy CLEARLY had Kleinfelder's Syndrome which is a mutation of the sex gene. Symptoms include loss of facial/body hair (check!), Mickey Mouse voice (check!), problems with sexual performance (check ... a symptom that often drives these guys to violence), and "impaired judgement" (CHECK!). I can't believe any physician who ever examined him wouldn't have picked up on this immediately. Curiously, the female similar mutation, Turner's Syndrome, does not produce impaired judgement symptoms. Quite the opposite. Many of these ladies are exceptionally bright and gifted. They are typically short, almost dwarfish, with "shield chests." Often they are sterile and usually have serious internal organ problems, notably cardiac and kidney.

Anyway, I'm certain the German guy knew what was wrong with Teddy and milked it for his own benefit. What disgusted me was the gal who was head of the bear crew at Katmai thought Teddy walked on water. She also facilitated his goofy exploits. A scientist with a degree in biology couldn't recognize Kleinfelder's when it was so patently obvious? She was a piece of work for a lot of other reasons. That entire bear crew was a bunch of duds. And what is it about wildlife biologists that makes them live like animals? That bunch were filthy slobs. Back in the seventies I had to go clean out a USFS cabin after Goat Man Chapman finished a season of "studies." Been up to me we would have burned the place down. Ugh!
Things I was totally unaware of. I remember when he was killed I read about his travels. I concluded this guy was completely insane to be pulling what he was doing. Thanks for the post!
I am not sure of the veracity of what is floating around the internet, but Herzog did have his hands on the audio and chose not to include it. So true audio does exist, but on the internet, your guess is as good as mine.
I'm pretty sure I heard it as part of a documentary about the tragedy. It's been a long time ago. If it was fake, that's fine. mtmuley

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