Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Grizzly man

Don Fischer

Well-known member
Jun 27, 2017
Interesting program on Roko tonight, Grizzly man. Some of you may remember the guy from California that went to Alaska every to live with grizzly bears. Something like 13 or might have been 18 years and one of the bears finally killed him and a girlfriend, Timmothy Tredwell. Talked a lot about him and lot's of video he did up there lot of him talking. After watching about his younger years and listening to him on his videos it became clear that the guy was mentally ill to a tremendous degree. If you know anything about what he did, I think you'd find this program very good!
Saw it yrs ago my take on it was sad he did bring lots of attention to bears and all the video he took was amazing but did have issues
I think he had good intensions but may have been over his head in some way dealing with wild life
Before he went to Alaska I seem to recall that he auditioned for the part of Woody on Cheers. Funny how some events play out. I don't remember exactly what brought him to find a place with the bears. He carried his experiences with him and shared it with others, but like others have already mentioned he always pushed the line and the grizzlies didn't care.

We watched it years ago and the biologist in me said at least ten times he got what he deserved because of the risks he took. Still a rough way to go out though.

The float plane pilot on my Kodiak mountain goat hunt was the person who found the bodies of Timothy Treadwell and his girlfriend at their campsite. Sadly, game and fish had to kill the bear also when they arrived.

Interesting documentary compiled by a Dutch producer I believe. Treadwell knew he didn’t fit in society and knew the ending result. Definitely a unique character. I don’t agree that he brought his girlfriend with him and they did not carry firearms for at least self-defense.
He came by our place a couple of times; always surprised he made it out. To bad he got his girlfriend killed. Friend of mine’s daughter was 10 at the time. She was monitoring the radio when Tredwells girlfriend called for help. Poor kid heard the whole thing. Still affected.
Yep, sad story. One thing to take yourself down doing something stupid but he did her wrong taking her into that situation.
The director was Werner Herzog, who I believe is German, not Dutch (with a name like Werner Herzog, what could he be BUT German?)

Apparently Treadwell initially carried bear spray, but after using it once he felt bad about it, so he refused to carry it again (nevermind a gun). Did it never occur to him the obvious lesson - that he HAD to use it, and would likely need it again? Despite the pro-spray propaganda, we have numerous examples where bear spray is completely ineffective for predatory attacks anyway.

What is amazing is that he lasted as long as he did - 13 seasons if I remember correctly.
It would be of interest to learn about them.
You won't see that in many of the "studies", which are designed around a predetermined conclusion. Google the news stories. Every few years you'll read about a mauled hiker whose body was found next to an empty can of bear spray.

Here's one you WON'T read: "Body of hiker mauled to death by grizzly found next to empty .44 magnum revolver".
Yep he was a nutbag for sure. The story goes it was a rogue bear from out of the take...a hungry bruin. Ive watched all of of his vids in amazement that he hadnt become some tasty morsel before he met his demise. Still shaking my head how he hoodwinked that poor gal into buying into the charade.
I just watched this for the first time a couple weeks ago and I was embarrassed by how much I can relate to TT.
Was that a popular place to visit before he started going up there and were those bears already used to seeing people?