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GPS for a team of 2


New member
Aug 15, 2012
I'm looking for a GPS for myself and my son that will show each hunters locations.
I recall the Rhino years ago, just wondering whats new and looking for input.
Thanks in advance!
Of course I want the latest and greatest maps ect
I have the 530 hcx rino. The ability to identify each others location and having a 2 way radio all in one unit has been great.
Add Huntinggpsmaps and the free garmin basecamp for the computer portion ~ it is a package hard to beat.
I agree with Sytes, my hunting buddy and I both have the 530hcx and have purchased the 1:24K maps and it has been great. Always nice when you hear your buddy shoot to be able to radio him and head straight to his location without the usual radio chatter of, " Yeah I shot, got a decent bull down. Could use your help. I'm just over that one finger ridge where you saw that big bull three years ago, the one with all the big trees. What? I dont know what kind of trees they are, you know that, they are BIG trees. You know the ridge, that has three branches on it, well I am about 1/2 a mile south of there if you come off the left side of the third ridge. No not your left side, my left side as you come my direction. Your below me, right?" That is a thing of the past with the Rino 530hcx.
Goldtip, LOL add in my boy and you can really understand why I want these.
I see the 530 is discontinued however I see a few on the bay of E
Look at the 650 Gsrmin - I see cabelas has them for $349.00
Has radio and map capability.
Caribou Gear

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