got my Rio


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2007
Gaithersburg Md
I finily got some sleep and can catch up.
Grovesnor and I stayed an extra 2 days becasue of the rain and Air lines holding over everyone at the air ports. I asked Trent where their may be some public hunting and he said you can stay and hunt my leases. I have to tell you all Trent is one of the best guys I've meet on any of my trips and I have nothing but high praises for him.
Now to my hunt; Trent and I set up under a hugh Oak and I had some deadfall infront of me. I see the birds moving though the trees and switch my seating and made ready. At 35-40 yards I wasn't sure if Trent said shoot him or not but I aimed a little high and pulled the trigger. I rolled him good and as my good friend John says; get your butt after him and if you need to put another round in him do it. I took off over the deadfall and hit the ground on my knees and the bird got up and started running, I fired another shot at hit after I was up and took off running again and I hit the ground again, I guess these old legs with 4 sugeryes on my knees they just don't want to move as fast as they use too, well I got up again woundering the hole time if my lack of moveing good has cost me a bird. I reached a fence line which was about 60 yards from where I was sitting and got bewildered, no bird, he didn't jump the fence and I looked over and under a small ceder he was hunkered down, Got Ya! But that bird wasn't done yet. After Trent took a few pic's I prepared to pack it up and he started flapping like crasy. So I just broke his neck that ended that.
Grovsnor came back from across the field and said why couldn't you have waited 20 seconds longer to shoot that bird, Grovsnor was using a crossbow. His bird was moving right to him and he would have had his bird if I didn't take the extra shot. But all is well. We both had a great time and meeting some new friends is just as enjoyable as getting my bird.
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