Golfing in Ireland

Jim in AZ

New member
Jul 13, 2001
A young American man went on his annual trip to Ireland where he saw the sights and played an annual round of golf at the same resort every year.
One year everything was going well until he got to the 16th hole and sliced the ball deep into the woods. Feeling rather irritated, he plunged into the underbrush and was surprised to find a small clearing with his ball laying on the grass right next to an unconscious leprechaun.
He immediately realized that his ball had knocked the poor guy out so he tried to administer first aid and presently the leprechaun came to and was horrified to realize he'd been seen by a human.
"Now that you've seen me, I must grant you three wishes."
The young man declined, "I'm just happy you're okay" and he walked away to continue his round of golf.
The leprechaun was distressed by this. "I can't be indebted to a human. I'll just grant him the three usual wishes...An incredible golf game, incredible Wealth, and Sex beyond his wildest dreams."
A year passed and the young man returned to Ireland for his annual trip. After a year of breaking par on the golf course, he couldn't wait to hit the golf resort again. Amazingly, things were going great until the 16th hole when, out of nowhere, he sliced the ball into the woods.
Upon entering the woods again, he found the same clearing and the leprechaun standing in the middle holding his ball.
He walked up and took the ball and muttered his thanks as he walked back to the fairway.
"Just a minute, laddie" the leprechaun called. "How has your year been?"
"Pretty good" the young man replied.
"How about your golf game?"
"Well, except for this slice here, I've shot below par all year."
"Aye, I did that for you! How about money?"
"Well, it's the strangest thing, every time I put my hand in my pocket I pull out a $100 bill."
"Aye, I did that for you too! How about your sex life?"
The young man looked embarrassed and finally said "Well...twice, sometimes three times a month."
The leprechaun was shocked. "I don't understand it, I granted you sex beyond your wildest dreams...what happened?"
The young man still looked embarrassed as he said "Well that's not too bad for a small parish priest!"

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